Tuesday, May 7, 2013

So today being a new day, my guilt of yesterday as an epic fail as a mother has waned some.
So onto another day of motherhood. Last night our family and my cousin A and her family went out to a restaurant that doesn't serve food out of a bag or on a tray, so you can imagine my delight! For a moment at least!! Most people take their kids out in public all the time, NOT US! We have to pick and choose our destinations and gauge it as a viable option depending on the amount of help that goes with us. We were feeling brave last night. Most kids can sit and color on their menus and be calm and quiet, NOT MINE. they colored then C. proceeded to break all the crayons into a thousand pieces and impulsively color her entire menu and neither has an indoor voice. SO you can imagine the fun we had, and also the ordering loudly and spilling mustard all over our shirt, pants and face and hands, complaining there are no pickles then that they aren't the right kind of pickle, and then that the dill pickles were sweet when they weren't. Oh then more mustard. And Ian not wanting to sit by me then only wanting to sit by me and having to rearrange everyone. Then the food took forever literally it was awful and everyone was cranky and all in all it was a wonderful time really. I love spending time with my family and friends and especially if I don't have to cook. And before I left to go to supper some friends came and got some junk out of my garage and insisted on paying me, so I didn't have to cook or pay. AMAZING!!! It truly was a great time we laughed and shared food and enjoyed ourselves. AND I would do it all again. Sometimes you just have to step out and take a risk and to heck with the consequences or the bother we are to those around us. And after I apologized to the people around us as we were leaving I decided I may just do that again.
Do you ever do things out of your comfort zone and take a risk? Maybe you should and love someone today or take a mom friend who only gets to eat out a bag with a yellow M on it to lunch with real people in a real restaurant. Be a blessing to someone today.
Be blessed



I'll be honest, I was terrified, at first! I thought they both did quite well considering the circumstances. Noone left in tears, and we left of our own accord, we were not asked to leave. I count that as a good night out! I love your kids, and I would take them out again in a heartbeat! Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Love it, Suszi. You speak the truth with love.

Unknown said...

Angie you are absolutely right anytime not getting kicked out is a good time
Thanka Nan