Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hello friends,
Back to reality eeekkkkk
You know there are days when you just wanna crawl under the covers and not even peek out for a week?
My children are acting up this morning and trying to adjust to being back in a routine. Plus getting excited about going to the cabin this weekend. There are times when I wish God would turn His back for 2 minutes and give me a do over, I guess that is grace anyway. 
One thing this trip showed me was the frailness of life. I see changes daily in Chrissy and see things regressing slowly,it is hard to watch. Ian we noticed during our trip is showing signs of blood sugar issues which may explain the anger outbursts, he has daily, so pray he does the testing with ease. It terrifies me to think of him being diabetic but I guess God knows what he is doing. And I will trust he will do something I can handle once again.
So counting my blessings today and finding joy is my desire. I also have to go clean out my store today and finish getting it all taken care of, stuff sorted and sold and moved etc... it is weighing heavy on me to just be done with it all and get on to the important things in my life. 
Though I have been blessed lately Megan and Amy cleaned my house while I was gone and it was so nice to come home to organization. AMAZING. it is so great to have friends and family who love me and help me.
I feel like this is a bit disjointed today, it is hard to concentrate with the children acting up but I am also finding joy that they are still both here to annoy me.
Be blessed today and help a friend today or encourage a stranger.

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