Monday, May 6, 2013

Good morning friends,
As I write today it is with a sad heart. When Ian and I were looking at the calendar this morning counting the days til our trip, he asked "When is Carters birthday party?" and yep you guessed it. it was yesterday. His first invite to a friend party and I BLEW IT. So a broken heart I have this morning. 
I was going to spend this week talking about mothers. REMINDER: Mothers day is next Sunday.
Imagine that I remember a day that revolves around me and forget an important date for my son.
So I am starting off this week talking about our disappointments in our mothers.
I never claim to be the best mother by any means, I just do the best I can with what I have.
Which some days isn't much. And lately falls horribly short of the mark. I need to prioritize again, for Ian's sake. When you have a special needs child it is hard (most of us drink. right Ang?) your life revolves around that child so much the other children often get your second best. And I need to force myself out of this mold and give the others more time. I believe this is a constant struggle with many families with children with special needs. 
On a more positive note I got to have lunch with my beautiful daughter and son-in-law yesterday and they paid. (BONUS) but a wonderful time. 
But there are things I look back on in my life where my parents fell short and yet I made it out without needing to much therapy to get over it. Like the time they gave me a bloody deer leg for my 6th birthday. (Who knows) But what I need to say is that sometimes we have to remember we are just human beings, flawed and broken, and that our only hope and salvation come through Christ. He heals our hurts and brings joy when we have failed and feel worthless. He gives hope that tomorrow is a new day. And He is the perfect parent. ABBA father. He loves us flawed and hurting. Unconditionally. So if you have failed as a parent or just need a loving Father. Go to him!!! He will take care of you!!!
From one flawed parent to the other, Have a great day
Love Suszi

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