Friday, April 4, 2014

Are we there Yet?

God Restores Job     

Job 42   The Message
10-11 After Job had interceded for his friends, God restored his fortune—and then doubled it! All his brothers and sisters and friends came to his house and celebrated. They told him how sorry they were, and consoled him for all the trouble God had brought him. Each of them brought generous housewarming gifts.

12-15 God blessed Job’s later life even more than his earlier life. He ended up with fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand teams of oxen, and one thousand donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters. He named the first daughter Dove, the second, Cinnamon, and the third, Darkeyes. There was not a woman in that country as beautiful as Job’s daughters. Their father treated them as equals with their brothers, providing the same inheritance.

16-17 Job lived on another 140 years, living to see his children and grandchildren—four generations of them! Then he died—an old man, a full life.

Good Morning friends.

I am still pondering Job. For 41 and a half chapters in Job, It talks about the struggles and horrific tragedy that came onto Job.
Only 7 verses describe the restoration of Job. His fortunes and family are doubled and He is blessed with long life and many blessings.
I think the whole point is to show the journey. 
 In every journey there are hard parts. 
Hope for the end is always the best part of a journey. 
How many times have you left home, only to return and say "It is soooo good to be home"
I wonder if that is how we will feel when we get to heaven?
I look so forward to the end of my life journey, but hopefully that is many years away.
For now this journey of pain and confusion, or of enlightenment maybe a better description, I travel on weary.
Recently I went on a long car trip and I laughed at my 7 year old son. "Are we ever going to get there?"
or "I am going to kiss the ground when I get there."
Sometimes Looking forward to the end of the journey, it helps take the edge off of the travel woes.
I am learning to be patient in my journey. Not be caught saying "Are we there yet?" 
Taking from the journey each obstacle as a learning time. Ok God what are you trying to show me here?
Not stepping on the gas, to get us there quicker, but trying to enjoy the scenery as we go even if it is endless prairie or majestic mountains. Finding God in every element along the way.
Even if the journey is painful and you have tears in your eyes and the pain sticks in your throat and your chest is heaving, we have to strain to see God. The road signs are blurry, but with each passing one we know the journey is going the right way and getting shorter. 
Wayside rest stops are designed as a resting spot. You can change, clean up, view the map to make sure your going the right way, stretch the tiredness out of our limbs. You leave them feeling renewed and refreshed and a little wiser. You can make it a few more miles now.
When I was a kid we would travel in a moter home all over the country. At that time we didn't have electronics or tv's or any entertainment really for the road. I remember being so bored, but also looking for amazing things. Seeing wonders there but only if we watch for them. Sometimes we need to get bored with what is around us and go back to simplicity in order to see the wonder of God.
Put down the phone, turn off the computer and just look out the window.
Enjoy the journey.
When you are weary stop and rest. 
Maybe we can't really say how long the journey will be, 
but each day we are assured it is getting closer to our final destination.
Be blessed along the way


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

eliminate the negative

Ecclesiastes 10:2
Wise thinking leads to right living; Stupid thinking leads to wrong living.

Good morning friends,
I have had one line of a song in my head for 2 days now, maybe cause I only remember that much. Isn't great how God can use something so mundane and spur you onto something exciting?
"Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative" (and something something calling the whole thing off)
I really don't remember it all, but this one line is my purpose.
I play this game on my tablet called Flippix and you have a grid in various sizes and it is like backwards sudoku. You look at the numbers and chose the squares that are positive and negative. If you guess them all, it automatically takes out the negative, and if life were a 5x5 square that would be easy. but a 20x 20 grid is much harder. You can figure out some of the positive but you can get stuck and it makes you unsure what to do. Many time if you take out the negative you know is negative the picture becomes clearer.
In our lives there is so much negative. It is almost everywhere. Sometimes we can't see the positive for the negative.
Often if we eliminate a few negative things, the positive becomes bigger.
A rainy, cloudy day, dark clouds hover, suddenly a tiny split in the clouds comes down. It is spectacular. A bright shining spot, though small it has the ability to wipe away darkness, and bring peace, erase weariness and bring a smile to calm you. 
A ray of hope.
It is amazing that our God would create something so spectacular that is meant for just us.
His majesty and power wield awesome power.
So how do we get that ray of light started, when storm clouds smother us?
Glad you asked.
Pray for God to reveal a weak spot where light can squeak through.
It maybe as little as changing the radio station, or not watching a TV show, or as hard as unfriending someone for real. 
Family is tough, but distance and boundaries are good.
Have you got someone in your life who drains the life out of you?
Just being around them is exhausting?
I have. I much prefer having those who speak into my life, breath a healing rejuvenating breath into your life.
Those friends are keepers.
So my next question is even harder...
Are you a positive life breather? Or are you a negative life sucker?
I am not going to judge you, that is for you and God to decide.
It is so funny cause when I looked up a verse for this the first ones to pop up were from Job. I think God is trying to tell me something.
Today I root out the cause for negativity in my house and that is clutter.
WOW, do I have it.
Need anything? anything at all I got it. It is yours come get it.
Spring is trying to break through this horrid winter and I think if we all put our flip flops on we can conquer it for good...Who is with me?

Have a blessed day
