Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Good morning friends on this crazy out of control day,
Can you imagine an ad for gaining weight so  you look good in a swim suit? that is my mentality right there.
So today I'm planning less and living more, I have worried all I can about stuff and now all I can do is have fun. AND I WILL like it or not. Darnit.
Today I am trying to not let the stress get to me, I have a slight heart condition and it is making it worse to be stressed out, so I guess I better be giving it to God finally and letting go and enjoying the ride.
The decision has been made!!! I will take my computer on the trip so I can write my blog. YIPEEE
My back is aligned, hair cut, clothes bought, nail made fabulous, tanning done, mostly packed and getting ready to go to the cities on our first leg of the trip. Staying at the Raddison in the cities and get a limo ride to the airport in the morning.  Well this morning is brief and a bit overwhelming but I CAN DO THIS,
Be blessed today call a friend you haven't seen in a while and love on them.
love you all

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