Friday, May 3, 2013

Good morning dear friends,
Today I want to discuss my weight !!!! UGHHHH. As I prepare for this trip to the sea, it is a constant thing in my head "How are you gonna look in your swim suit?" I have read and heard several things lately that have encouraged me. First on christian radio a lady had a friend who went to the beach and was watching several bikini clad young girls and her friend thought she would comment on the fact that she wished she still looked that way. And her friend surprised her by saying that when she saw those girls and looked at herself she was proud of the weight and stretch marks and sagginess, because these were all things that happened because she bore and grew three amazing children and carried them in her for 9 months, that the things that wouldn't look good any longer in a bikini were the very things she took pride in because of her children. And then I read a interview between Oprah and Mia Angelo, and it really touched my heart, Mia Angelo was 6 feet tall at 13 and was not pretty but it never bothered her because she had her brother, grandmother and mothers love and that healed anything her self image could hurt.
I have always told my children They are beautiful and wonderful and that I am not a liar so they must be.
So why is it my Father (God ) has said I am beautiful and I don't believe HIM.

14 I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.
    What you have done is wonderful.
    I know this very well.

All the He created is wonderous so why is it we believe He could raise the dead and yet make us less amazing then lilies of the field or anything else He created? 
So I must instead of asking why He made my form the way He did, I need to say "Oh God, thank you for how you created me." 
When I was little I had a shirt that said "God don't make junk' and I wore it with pride. So how come I think differently now? 
I want more then anything to share my stories and God with people and for years I thought "I can't do that, Im heavy and not beautiful and  you can't use me in public." OK so who is whispering those lies? I understand the idea about health and weight but that isn't my point. God does it all for a reason and if I accept who I am and accept He loves me, then I am perfect. I am beautiful, loved, spoiled, and shown grace beyond measure. I will choose today to accept this wonderful creation and reach and share His love with people. 

So go out today and hug someone who doesn't think they are huggable.

Blessings and love to you all


Anonymous said...

Suszi - I know exactly how you feel. I wear shorts and a tshirt into the ocean..... and feel like a whale. Thank you for the reminder that our Loving Creator made us in His image and cares for us all...big or small or in between.

Annette Ashworth said...

We all need a mirror to know what we look like. The world, our culture, media, peers etc provide us with mirrors - cracked or distorted. When we look at God Himself - we behold His glory like a mirror. That gaze tranforms us into his beautiful image. The Bible reflects who we are in Him. We must choose our mirror every day.