Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Turn you oughtas into SHOULDs

Good Morning friends,

Today I am thinking about the "Oughtas" 
You know I oughta do this because it should be done.
I oughta work or go to school or get a degree or be this,
 because I learned this or that, even if it makes me unhappy.
I mean like Well I got a convertible so I oughta drive with the top down, even though it is raining.
Because you own a convertible, and the top can go down doesn't mean it ever has to.
Just because you studied a specific thing in college, you oughta work in that field.
 Because I graduated I oughta go to college.
I think we spend to much time worrying about the oughtas in life.
And how we are not living up to those oughtas the "Society" puts on us.
The only things I know for certain I oughta do are, Love God, Love my family, and love others.
I think we get so wrapped up in what we oughta do in life we forget to ask God what we should do.
God can use those degrees and knowledge you thought you oughta use somehow (and make your life miserable by trying so hard), and turn them into shoulds.
Because if we live by this philosophy, we oughta all go to Hell because we all sin.
We oughta not be happy cause the world is so messed up.
WELL we should be happy because God saved us, we should be thankful, We should be open to Gods leading, We should love God, our family and others, We should use our gifts and talents to further the kingdom of God
 We should pray and ask God what we are saying "I oughta" too.
And we need to turn our I oughtas into shoulds.

You SHOULD have a great day.

Be blessed.

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