Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A journey toward meekness

Good Morning dear friends and faithful readers,
Today I choose joy and a servants heart.
Yesterday I was encouraged to serve someone everyday for the next 12 weeks.
THAT I can do. I usually have no problem with this as long as it is outside my family. I need to serve my husband by cleaning my house and honoring him in this way.
It is a constant thing in my life, and I am working so hard to change my heart on how I look at it.
Changing my heart is what I need to do today.
I am working spiritually on meekness, not being that wet blanket who is quiet and pious. But the question is how to be meek while being bold? I can do it, because meekness is a thing of the heart and not necessarily of the demeanor. It is in this book The Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit. Matthew Henry points out that meekness is seen in our response toward God, our relationship with Him, and in our response toward others.
It is a heart matter, You see the essence of meekness as it relates to circumstances in life is the quiet trusting acceptance, not chafing, not resisting, not resenting. It’s knowing that nothing can touch my life apart from the permission of a wise, loving God.
These excerpts are from Revive our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss, I love how when you know you want to change something in your life that God knows and sends the wisdom.
You can go to Her website and read on meekness and so much wisdom.
The thing I heard yesterday is that meekness is when someone hurts you your heart isn't filled with resentment but love and that is how I want to be. How I pray I will be.
Life sucks sometime, but God is faithful ALL the time.
For such a time as this, God told Ester and she obeyed and was blessed and I want nothing more then that blessing.
I walk in forgiveness today, I can't forget 
the misdeeds from others OR on my part, but I can learn and accept those I love with grace and unconditional love. I can learn to be the person God made me to be, not quiet and serene BUT, LOUD and uninhibited, I can be meek and who God  intended.. I only want to Honor HIM and praise Him.
And meekness for me will be a struggle and a great lesson learned, it will be a journey of significant proportions. 
Today is a new day.
Try to serve someone today and everyday.

Be blessed 


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