Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Grace and peace to our enemies

Good Morning friends,
I heard a great message yesterday about our enemies, and I was blessed, they spoke from Psalms 31, and it spoke to my heart right where I was at, isn't amazing how God does that through radio or t.v.? and people say He doesn't speak now days.
Sometimes our enemies are within our close proximity our own family members perhaps? Well mine are lately and that makes it even harder to deal with.
God promises to deal with our tormentors His way and although we don't understand His timing He promises He will, and then our part is to not sin by opening our mouth. OK that HURT!!! That is where i screw up all the time, I am not afraid to tell people what I think which I guess isn't bad but, when I don't do it with love and grace, it is sin. plain and simple. AND BOY do I fall into that easily. especially with my brothers. I love my brothers, but I cannot deal with their lives anymore, One is a drug addict and has been my entire life, in and out of treatment and hospitals and jail and prison, and he just doesn't get it, so a long time ago I let go of him and his life, I still love him but detached myself from his addiction and the hurt he causes my family. But now it is a fight for the safety of our parents so once again I have to deal with him and addiction. You see there are no more one more chances, and yes I would love to see him come back to Christ, but it is no longer my duty to worry about and defend, once you give something to God you cannot take it back, and I refuse to do that, I have to let God do what He wants, because with me those strings are severed and bridges burned, and energy spent. 
Kinda like Karma but God's way.
So yesterday I acted in love towards the situation and with grace and i did better and as my hubby says "I didn't let my hillbilly out". The hardest thing is my dad, he feels he has to defend him and he enables him so it is hard to fight against my dad also, but It is my job to protect my mom. so we do what we must. 
I think ill paint Grace and peace on my wall today so i can read it and grind it into my spirit. 
So if you are facing something that seems insurmountable today, pray for grace and peace and let God handle the rest.

Have a blessed day

1 comment:

sltish said...

Suszi, thank you for being real. You make me laugh, cry, feel sad, or enjoy your silliness. Grace and Peace was a message that resonates in a big way with me. I have enough years on me now and been around the mountain enough times that I don't have such a hard time biting my tongue anymore. But this is great advice and wisdom for you to pass along. Thank you.