Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Change, Can you make it?

Good morning friends,
Today is hard to write my kids won't shut up
Summer is not so much fun yet. I have been sick and the kids are bored.
I have been feeling bad about my weight, again. It is a never ending thing with me.
But I had a doctor appointment and had to get on the scale. AHHHH.
So where to begin? In my head! That is the hardest part. 
It is not that I don't think I look fine, and beautiful. But I need to feel better.
I hate walking and I only run if i'm being chased by a rabid dog or a grizzly bear. 
But I also know if I don't make a change it will get worse.
Making changes is hard for me and get's worse with age.
I am a spontaneous person who doesn't like change, figure that one out.
But life is constantly changing and moving forward and 
as much as I would love my kids to stay babies
 or my job to stay the same, it is impossible. 
Embrace the change!! Is what I must do.
It is a day by day thing. But the goal is worth the work.
As with any goal it is a process. 
So today I strive to change and love it.
Do you have changes in life you need to make?
Ask God to show you those things, and help you do it.

Be blessed today


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