Monday, June 10, 2013

Graduation and dreams gone astray

Good Morning friends,
It was a weekend of graduations, more like a month of them,
we had 2 yesterday and several over the next few weekends.
It got me thinking about my graduation and life after high school.
In high school my plan was to go to a fashion design college in Dallas TX.
First I was going to spend a summer in NYC working with Teen Challenge,
Then go to TX in the fall. Well life is so funny that way isn't it? In April I met Dave, and I really wasn't to impressed, he was a jock and yeah kind of a nerd. 
Well we had an impromptu date in May just a bunch of us getting together. 
We'll that ended my college career, and started me on a different path entirely.
Not that I regret making the decision I made, because as of May 18th,
 Dave and I have been together for 24 years, and 5 of them have been amazing. (kidding) 
Marriage is hard and rewarding.
Raising children has it's own set of guidelines for happiness and we'll look at that another day.
I don't regret not going on my adventures before marriage, I do wish I could travel more, but someday maybe.
What I really think is on my heart is no matter what path you took in life or the journeys you may or may not have taken, there is a reason for those decisions and it may take us 25 years or more to understand where or why God is sending us that way, but have faith and know it is the right thing and if you don't get your dreams, just maybe God has a bigger and better one in store for you, so be open to His moving and not so set on a goal,that you can't change course. 

Congratulations to all our Graduates
Blessings to all my friends


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