Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ground Zero-My house

Good morning friends,

Today I fight a never ending battle.
A war I wage everyday and lose at every turn.
The name of the battle is called 
"MY HOUSE, ground zero"
I have been sick for a few days and knew it wasn't great but it is like,
When you walk out one morning and the sick blinders have been taken off
and you see the damage, the bomb that went off and its after effects are glaringly obvious.
Every corner seems untouched.
All the dishes are piled up and a plethora of things strewn about,
Where to begin?
First I need to start with me!! 
MY attitude, my perspective, my willingness and want to serve my family.
What makes them happy? Well I can give that to them, I may not like it,
I may do it kicking and screaming. 
But even though it is hard for me, it is equally pleasing to have my husband come home to a clean house.
He deserves that and so do I.
So today I fight the want to do a 1000 other things and clean.
I can't guarantee success, but I will pray and go on.
I can also honor God in the attitude I have while I do these things.
I can do it without grumbling and complaining.
With joy and with a servants heart.
So now my coffee is drunk and my blog is written, so I 
need to get my butt out of my chair and get to work.
Here I go. Yep getting up. ok one more cup of coffee.
THEN here I go.

Have a blessed day, find a friend who is overwhelmed with their house and go help them today, 
it is amazing the productivity of 2 people working together. (HINT)


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