Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Irish-Hillbilly is coming out

Friends it is morning,
NOT a good one, by any stretch of the imagination.
My daughter was being and doing the worst possible things this morning.
And I am so mad!!! I really hate being so angry. I am attempting to pray and 
go on with my day but it is going to take some doing.
Some days I wonder what God was thinking.
Why me? Did it have to be me?
then I think... 
Where would she be if we didn't take her?
We are supposed to be thankful in all things and
trust God in all things.
Today is more like this...
"God put your hand around my shoulder, and over my mouth"
When I get angry my husband says "Honey, your hillbilly is coming out"
and I know I need to tone it down, but when I get this upset it has not only come out,
it came roaring out and has it's Irish on. (that means it is like the hulk, mad all green and angry)
I get upset sometimes but this angry, not often and I hate how it makes you feel.
Sick to your stomach and shaky.
And I wish I could encourage you today, but at this point all 
I can do is pray and hope you all have a blessed day.
Ill get over it, I just need to sit in quiet with my eyes shut.
So I will get to that in a minute and start my day over.
Hit the rewind button, call in reinforcements, relax, up my caffeine intake, PRAY!!
That is the plan for the next bit.
Then I get to go to my book club!!I'm so excited, and I will pray there too.

So encourage a friend today.
Be blessed


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