Thursday, July 11, 2013

Maybe tomorrow

Good Morning friends,

Last night I laughed until I cried, I was watching Ken Davis, a christian comedian.
It was so funny and so real.
I think the most important thing I got out of it was... You need to do more than survive, you need to LIVE!!
God created us not to drudge through life, thinking about "maybe tomorrow" I will do this or that...Maybe tomorrow I will go back to school, tomorrow I will quit my job and do what I love, tomorrow I will heal that wound by giving forgiveness, tomorrow I will have children, tomorrow I will exercise....
guess what there may not be a tomorrow!!!
Last night my 6 year old asked us what would happen to him and his siste,r if we died. 
After reassuring him about what would happen, and that we hope it will not be for a long time, and explaining in the best way possible how when he gets to heaven he will be able to play Jesus ( A large concern) in my own feeble attempt to make that deep of a subject into a child friendly version with out forgetting anything
important, was not a very easy task but it satisfied him I think. or frustrated him so he gave up. 6 year olds should not think deeper then their parents. I think the most important thing it showed me was life is precious, and we need to start living TODAY! because you blink and it is a year later, or 5 years or your baby is grown and gone and all you want to do is hold her on your lap and tell her it will be OK.
"Don't put off til tomorrow, what you could do today"

You Don’t Know Tomorrow ] Don’t brashly announce what you’re going to do tomorrow; you don’t know the first thing about tomorrow.

This verse sums it up for me. We don't have any idea what tomorrow will bring, so how can we truly put things off anymore? If we keep putting things off til tomorrow our "TO DO " list will be to long for tomorrow.
And then we have so many things were overwhelmed and give up or we work ourselves to death trying to catch up or we have so much to do we forget to take time to live!

Do whatever TODAY brings today!!
Let tomorrow stay tomorrow and 

Be blessed today hug your kids an extra time, forgive wrongs, love passionately, Live.


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