Friday, July 19, 2013

Anam cara my soul friends...

Good morning friends,
Sorry for not posting yesterday, the only time I had to write I feel asleep.

Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed and drowning in stuff?
the past few days I sure have!!! Yesterday My Megan, made me go sort the stuff in my store, which helped me so much, she is amazing. She is holding me accountable to what I have to do, and loving me and forcing me to do what I don't want to do. IT WAS GREAT. Oh I love her so. I know I have talked about friends latly several times, but until recently have I begun to understand the verse.
Proverbs 25:13

Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat—refreshing! 
MY brother once told me when he met his friend Peter, he learned what true friendship was. I thought that is great for him, I have had friends like that my whole life. Wrong, when I found the group of friends I have now, I realized that NOW I have that kind of friend who loves closer than a brother. Don't get me wrong I have loads of dear friends, special people who love me and are there for me.
I recently heard a sermon about a verse I had not ever heard. It said Something to the order of ...a friend who builds you up with sweet compliments and gushes over you, is your enemy. BUT a friend who bears their friends wounds is a true friend. HUH perplexed!! I was not sure how a wounded friend could be a good friend,but It means people who pump you up and gush over you are so easily turned into the ones who talk badly about you. But true friends carry your wounds they know your hurts and carry the scars from the attacks by others who have hurt you, they cry and are angry and will fight for you because as a true friend they know your pain and feel it with you.  These friends love you despite your faults and hold you up when your down cast and burdened. They run when you call anytime day or night. They will ask the hard questions and tell you the truth no matter how much it hurts or makes you uncomfortable. Those are the friends that are few in life. Your anam cara or soul friends. those who your soul not just your heart loves.  Those who love no matter the circumstances or issues. And now I forget my point because my children are being rude and an attitude adjustment is in order. So today love your friends, ask God to show you how to be a soul friend. Love with all you are no matter what.
                                                  Be the best friend you can.


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