Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tilt-A -Whirl of life

Good Morning friends,

I gotta tell you a story. Last week we took the kids to the fair, they had a great time. Well my cousin Angie thought it would be fun if her and I went on the tilt-a-whirl, so I had to ask the guy which one goes fastest, (if your going to ride it, you may as well have fun) He said 6 so we immediately went the wrong direction and ended up at 6 right in front of where we came in. if that was any indication of the state of mind we were in.
We board and get situated and he starts the ride. At first a little whirl and twirl then it began...none stop twirling, around and around and around and around. It was so funny we were screaming like banshees and then we got tickled, by our own screaming and started to laugh...not just laugh hehehehe but full blown howling, loud and from deep inside your soul. We drew a crowd! People from all over came to see what was going on. The entire place heard us. And it hurt!!! We laughed so hard our stomachs and chests hurt. I don't ever remember a time when I laughed that hard. It makes me giggle just thinking about it. 
You see Angie and I and loads of our friends were there for a special needs day, the carnival company let any families come and ride for free they also gave food away, and mini donuts!! But it was an amazing time to meet other people who have special needs kids. When ever you attend something like this it is amazing and yet sad, peoples generosity is inspiring, and it also is a harsh reminder that life is fragile. 
It is not easy raising a special needs kid, it is hard and frustrating and a fight everyday for anything you need, but it is also humbling and gratifying and awe-inspiring oh and frustrating did I say that already? 
Most of the time we mothers stuff a lot of things and feelings we have, so we can show our kids life is good, and wonderful, when inside you are just screaming "This is NOT fair"!! or "STOP, let me off"!! 
Life isn't fair for these kids, I cannot imagine looking like I am 7, acting like I am 4 and actually being 15. It is beyond my comprehension. The "normal" person would be so depressed because our self esteem would be ruined, but not these kids, they are happy and joyful and so positive about life. Like instead of seeing the storm were having, they search for the rainbow they just know will be there. Unwavering Joy. Most of them are so close to death it is terrifying, the wrong fall, or a seizure, or being to vulnerable. We would curl up in a ball and wait for that day to arrive. NOT them, they play and laugh and have such a contagious laugh. Never afraid of life. Unlike us who trudge through day to day surviving, but not living. 
We can learn so much from these people and children.
They love unconditionally, laugh at everything, enjoy each day with life and excitement.
So my prayer is to learn to live like them, to laugh at myself like I am the funniest thing in the world, to enjoy life, even if my budget gets blown or the car breaks down, to have excitement, in all the little things we do, and to love people as though they are the best friends a person can have or those friends we haven't seen in a while and you just want to hug them and not let go. To see the world through rose colored glasses. To be so excited because today is a new day, and adventure awaits around every corner. 
To be free of worldly worries and fears, only thinking about the moment we live in now and how we can have the most fun now and not wait for later.
Get on the giant Tilt-A-Whirl of life and laugh til it hurts.


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