Monday, July 8, 2013

Be the person you have always wanted to be

Good morning friends,
Welcome back after a lovely long weekend.
My thoughts of late are about age.
Not that I'm worried about aging, well because i'm not 
because the truth is...that we all age. 
It is so funny how people forget that.
It is getting harder for me to judge the age of people I don't know.
When I see people who I think are about my age and
I am now realizing are much younger than me.
It is interesting how I notice people who are young at heart.
As I get older I care less about my wrinkles, stretch marks, and body shape.
And more about how my heart is.
I want always to be young at heart, to have fun, and be silly.
To jump in puddles, dance in the rain,  to play and laugh and love.
My husband pointed out when we were at our sons kindergarten Christmas concert,
that we are the same age as the grandparents who are there. WELL,
that got me feeling old. But I have decided yes I am older then I feel. 
and yes I am old enough now to have grand kids my own children's ages. 
I also have more patience and experience under my belt.
I grew up with older parents, and I think they were better parents.
At this time I am realizing I don't really care what people think of me.
I have always wanted to dress retro like the 1950's, but felt I was past that,
 and over weight and couldn't pull it off. Well now I DON"T CARE. 
My husband says it is my midlife crisis. But I don't see it that way,
I see an opportunity to be the person on the outside, I am on the inside.
So today think about who you have always wanted to be. 
Think about making a baby step toward that goal.
Today I want to jump in puddles and create something.
To become who God wants me to be.
To dress and style my hair how I want to.
And Go in confidence with my wrinkles and flaws.
Because God made me who I am for such a time as this.
Be blessed today.
Bless someone today.


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