Wednesday, July 3, 2013

America the diverse

Good morning friends,
Thank God yesterday is over. Needless to say it was trying but my dear friend Megan, 
in her words "Let me put my cape on and i'll be right over"!!!
Thank God for people and professionals in our life as part of our team.
So thank you all for praying and for grace yesterday.
SO today, crazy as usual, but fun none the less, as we prepare to go up north.
Celebrating Independence day is one of my favorite days to celebrate.
I am very patriotic, and I love a party, and I love anything American or red, white and blue.
So today I'm thankful my journey takes place in a land where I am free.
I often think we as Americans forget how fortunate we are to live here.
We can worship, and assemble and speak without fear.
I'm glad we live where there can be "Pride" parades and demonstrations. 
Not that I agree with their ideals, but because I don't have to. 
That is the greatest thing about our country.
We are free to choose to live the lives we want.
And I could use so many examples of differences we have here, 
and each is as different as each person who lives here.
We don't have to believe like the next person, nor are we forced to believe in a certain religious belief.
So over this weekend remember to thank those who fight or have fought for our country, 
to make it the great place it is.
And regardless of beliefs or political or personal opinions, find
someone to share your life with, unconditionally and with
 the love and acceptance only Christ can bring.

Have a great rest of your day


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