Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Good Morning friends,
Are any of you procrastinators? I AM, I AM!!
I get so over whelmed by things I put stuff off and now I am struggling to back track and get things done
SO today I'm crazy! I have a store and it is full and due to the fact I can't be there to run it 75 hours a week, and having a child with declining health, I have to close and I have put it off for months the cleaning out, I did sort and organize it, but I always found an excuse to put it off, which didn't help it only added to the stress in my life. I work so much better under stress. I'm like a diamond I'm beautiful under pressure.
Ok so I am a crazy wild haired maniac under pressure and I am panicking and overwhelmed, but also so grateful it will be done. or mostly done cause it has hung like a thick black cloud full of rain it is about to bust, and the weight is unbearable and the darkness so deep and feels like night, til you feel chocked and the air is so dense you can hardly breath, and you pray for just the tiniest breeze for relief. That is close to how I feel today. Now I have help at least because my family is in town from Australia and can lend a hand and help.
So I am not alone, and will feel relief and  peace once again. But oh the mounds of things there are.
I just hate when things feel this way, and it is entirely my own fault for letting things go on this long.
We avoid things cause they are hard or not wanted to deal with, and then these tiny things become so large and out of control and over whelming then you REALLY don't want to deal with it and it starts a cycle. A tornado or whirlpool going around and around, so today I yell "STOP". get off the wild ride and get this mess taken care of. 
I will take back my life one item at a time. I will find peace in those out of control things. I will laugh a crazy laugh and fight my way through it today. 
I need to simplify my life and today that will begin!!!
I envision Braveheart with the face painted atop a steed and screaming "FREEDOM" 
That is me! but I'm more atop a scooter (pink of course) hair done in a 1950's coif and red lipstick and eyeliner. I will scream "FREEDOM". I will survive. and I will go on to fight another day.
My dream of a simple life will go on, and I WILL achieve peace with the stuff in my life one thing at a time.
So let us all scream FREEDOM today and take out the junk!!!


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