Friday, September 20, 2013

new life brings joy.....

Good Morning friends,
Today is a joyful day.
I was privileged to take photos for my cousin and the birth of her new baby.
Brooklyn Marie.
This has been a week of extreme emotions.
Death and life.
It is always a great joy to see a birth.
They are amazing things. (especially for me I hate blood and fluids)
The human body is remarkable.
It flabbergasts me everytime I see it, the body in all its miraculous abilities.
I can think of nothing more awe inspiring then bringing a life into the world.
I was also so jealous, I want a grandbaby ahemmm.
Ashley the momma was tremendous, hardly a peep out of her.
Such strength and patience.
We got to see God glorified in that place, because I have no idea how people watch a birth and cannot say there is a God. The body design alone. WOW
I spent about 10 hours there yesterday, but Ashley and her momma Sharon, were there since midnight the night before. It was a very calm labor and Ash handled it with grace.
The sweet joy on her face when she first looked at this miracle was so wonderful.
Unless you have had a baby you could never understand the idea of that much pain just disappearing the second you see this miracle. Amazing.
This baby will be so spoiled and loved, she already has a ton of clothes and accessories.
She will never want for anything.
The love that was apparent and over flowing in that room was so wonderful and lovely.
GMA Sharon
And Welcome to the World
May your life be blessed and filled with love and laughter, 
may you never know hunger or want, 
may the pain of life make you strong not bitter, 
and I pray you learn to love God, 
and know you are loved every day.

Love you all so much, and thank you for allowing me the privilege of being there.

Be blessed today.


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