Thursday, September 5, 2013

God's gracious gift

Good Morning friends,
Today is a bittersweet day.
My baby is starting first grade. He is so great.
Funny and silly, kind and loving.
This boy and I have an even more special bond.
He is a child of my heart.
We adopted Ian at birth, he is an amazing miracle, and proof that God answers prayers in HIS time not ours.
We had prayed and begged and looked and hoped for another child after Helena, but to no avail. Several adoptions fell through and many unneeded pregnancy tests. I would only ever have one child, we figured. So we had resigned ourselves to the fact that one was enough, and she was nearly raised and out of the house, so we would have an empty nest before age 40 and I guess that was the plan, I thought.
We were just starting a new chapter in our lives. New house and job for me, a tiny town house but the three of us fit perfectly. Then the call came March 7th. Do you want this baby? I am due in 2 1/2 weeks.
Okay, call me silly but who would say "UMMM no don't want that right now" NO ONE.
So we tentatively started the process, it was very emotional for us. Would she change her mind? Would this baby be taken away from us? God please let this be happening.. we didn't even tell many people it was a whirlwind or murphey's law or jinxing it we weren't sure how to act. Then one week later almost to the minute she went into labor. Ill tell more of that craziness some other time. And we were given this beautiful baby boy. Ian Robert Grudem. The son we so desperately wanted and had prayed for. I had read a horrible book about adoption that week, and it said in no way can the adopted child be loved as much as a biological child. Bologna, it is total and complete love. Unconditional and brilliant. I threw the book away.
This little boy has brought such joy to our lives. Everyone who sees him falls head over heels for him. He is so charismatic, and spoiled and silly. He is a joy.
Life without him is unbearable to even think about.
When you pray for nearly 18 years, for a child you get a glimpse of what Sara and Abraham went through.
The waiting, the questions, the unanswered prayers. 
God being God, knew the answers, and heard the prayers and caused my patience to grow.
His name means "Gods, gracious gift" and that he is. A gift from God. through His grace and love, in His timing NOT ours. Our son finally. The one for who my heart prayed.
The joy of my heart. 
My son.

Be blessed today, I sure am.


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