Thursday, September 26, 2013


Good morning friends,
Today I write with pride. I have written about Kelsey before.
But today is a bit different. 
I am so proud of her, she is getting asked to help professional photographers, and to do weddings, and advertise her work because it stands out.
As her mentor that is an amazing feeling.
Then I realized something.
I am a photographer too. Why is it I am not jealous. 
I am just so excited for her.
Then God showed me, When you mentor someone you want the very best for them.
Like any ministry, you need to work yourself out of a job.
To be happy for the one you helped. 
There can be no jealousy or bad feelings, because you have given your whole heart into it.
But I can see where people would get jealous or have hard feelings.
Like recently me and Kelsey were at a family function and my nephew who is a professional photographer, and he asked Kelsey to help him at a wedding, I was so excited for her, then it dawned on me, hey why didn't he ask you? I was so proud and happy it didn't matter. Although I gave him a hard time for asking her in front of me. hehehe
But my thought is that, how many times to we hold onto things so hard, or want something so bad, that when someone else gets it your jealous and you get angry?
I guess it shocked me that I didn't feel those things, just joy and pride.
I believe God will bless that. 
And I feel such freedom, wow, if I did feel those things, I would be in bondage.

How many times do we do that?
Hold on so tight to things, that we can't be be happy for others.
What are you hanging onto that you need to let go of? 
Pain, pride, perfectionism, ministry, friends, family.
Can you let it go? Do you want to?

When I was at the doctor getting Chrissy's diagnosis, and the Doctor told us that "Early demise" was eminent. That moment was amazing, I felt panic start to grip my heart, and it felt like God stopped time and spoke to me. He said "You have a choice right now."
"You can either live in fear, panic ridden, in bondage.
Or you can Let me have this"
It felt like hours in that second of time.
I told the Doctor "I guess I'll give that to God."
Immediately the fear left, and the Doctor nearly fell off her chair.
She didn't think she would get that response I guess.
But I just let it go. Walked out of there in peace.
I still feel that peace. Although I know it will happen someday, I live in peace,
Sometimes I am afraid to go in to her room in the morning, but I pray and go.

God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of peace and love and a sound mind.

Go in peace today, love your kids, LET GO.


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