Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Can you ask the hard questions?

Good morning friends,
Today I find joy.
I was really weary and upset last night when I went to church.
Then I looked around and saw all the hard work everyone had done for VBS and saw the faces of the kids, while all the things I had designed had made it all the more magical to them.
There was laughter and fun and learning about Jesus.
The entire point of this event, is planting those seeds for a lifetime of loving God.
My part in this was so small as far as the spiritual side of things but sometimes those things that may not seem important, set the tone and raise the excitement.
I often think how my spiritual gifts are mistaken for creativity, I know I know those are gifts and not everyone can do that painting or whatever. What I am talking about though is that many times people see that I am creative but, rarely see a deeper spiritual side. A person who prays and hears God. 
Peoples first impression of me is often, very different then what I truly am. 
I realize I can be intimidating and a little over the top sometimes. I have a large and loud personality.
I also love deeply and I am very passionate, I am loyal and caring. But most times my first impression to people is very different to people I just meet.
I thought for a long time maybe something is wrong with me. 
Maybe I should become a quiet and soft person, ummm NO. 
I am who God made me to be, I am not polished or prim and proper most of the time. My heart is as big as the sky and God created me. this person I am, Not that I cannot learn new things, but who I am at the core of me, the true and real Suszi.
In high school I went to a youth conference and the speaker talked about being able to ask the big questions.
Those questions that many people are afraid to ask. That night I prayed God would make me into that person. Although saying or asking the big questions can and is, mistaken as brash. You have to have a certain amount of chutzpah or inhibition to be able to do that. I also pray daily God will give me a softness,  so I don't actually turn people off, but I also know I was created for a purpose and not to be intimidated by the devil. 
I am so thankful God made me this way, even though most people don't understand me.
If I can help one person come to Christ because I wasn't afraid to ask the hard questions, I will praise God for all eternity with them.
So embrace who God made you to be, and don't disregard the spirituality of others because they may worship or look differently then you. 
Love deeply, laugh hard, ask the big questions.

Be blessed


1 comment:

All My Monkeys said...

I'm glad God made you that way, too. Brash, loud, creative, wild, funny, loving and deep. All of it. Cuz where in the world would we be without a Suzsi to mix it up? :D ((hugs))