Thursday, August 15, 2013

To survive or thrive? That is the question.

Good morning friends,
 My day started with please don't shoot your sister.
So today is going to be an active day I can tell, neither one will shut up and listen.
Do you ever wonder why it is so hard to survive life?
I don't think were meant to survive life! 
Yes we are supposed to survive, but that shouldn't be the goal.
Living and thriving should be our main objective.
Often we get trudged down with life and everyday routines.
We forget to laugh and stop and look at the birds flying around, or listen the breeze, to sit in the grass with a child and look at the stars, to catch fireflies.
Laughing...telling silly jokes in the car, singing funny songs, these are the things that make memories. 
I see so many people ( myself included lately) so weary with life, feeling like you are paddling against the tide with all your might and not gaining ground. Single moms with 3 kids making ends meet, older couples fearful of what the future holds. How do we live not to survive but to Thrive? 
I guess the biggest way to start is with changing your thinking, making a statement that I will no longer be pulled under circumstances, I WILL LIVE.
Not just Live but overcoming and thriving.
Laughing and playing.
Don't think you can?
Fake it!! Fake it til you make it.
Put on a happy face, dry your tears, stomp your feet.
How do we find this joy you ask?
Well mainly from God. He put joy into our lives.
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
The more we laugh, the stronger we get?
That is what the Bible says, it is a promise.
It doesn't say put your head down and push and shove to get to the next appointment.
God wants your burdens and worries. So if we give the issues to Him, we have loads of room for joy.
Sing, Laugh, laugh, laugh.

Pray today that God will help you thrive and live.
Be blessed todays

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