Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A paint brush from heaven

GOOD morning friends,
Seems it has been forever since I've last written.
Life just seems to have gotten so hectic the last couple of weeks.
Sleep is the only thing I continuously do, or want to do. 
I have had time to paint for VBS though and it is great. It is like the whole world stops when I have a paint brush in my hand. The amazing thing about this VBS is the amount of help and talented people who have helped. I go into doing a big project like this with the mindset that I will be the only one there for weeks. This time amazes me at every turn. Yesterday I went to church to paint and there were about 6 people who were there working so hard already,  and that has happened so many times during this event. I am just blown away by the amount of love and caring our church has. Not that our church is perfect or anything it is the fact that they care about each other, so many have called and prayed and cared and loved my family during this time in our lives that is over the top exhausting for me and going out of their way to help and show they care.
My pastor sent me a text message that said "pace yourself, this is a race not a sprint" and he is so right. I have learned to say no and let go of things so I have had more energy for the important things. I want to do it all, but as I age I realize I can't, there is only so much I can give and not an ounce more.
So today as I finish my second cup of coffee and think about a third, I relax and hope for a little peace before a very long day starts. And the song "He gives strength to me, as I worship him" rings in my head I go on and paint all day and it sounds like heaven to me.
Have a blessed day and remember saying no is not a bad thing to do.

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