Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wishbone or Backbone?

Good Morning friends,
I've been thinking, I KNOW SCARY huh?
Yesterday my friend Dave Amsler a missionary to Gutamala put this as his status.
"Some only have a wishbone when what they need is a backbone."
I am not sure I see it exactly the way he intended or not?
I wish my kids didn't have to be exposed to all the pain and hurt in the world, but I can teach them they are loved and not hide the world from them but use it to teach them to love others.
To not be afraid to say what you mean, instead of wishing someone else would, (in love of course) 
Wishing something in your life would change, or making that change happen in your life,
Being bold enough to say what God wants you to say. 

This is kinda hard for me, because I think it would be opposite for me,
 I have way more backbone and wish I didn't sometimes.
I want to tell the truth, in love, being honest, yet have integrity.
Sometimes I wonder why some people are my friends?
I tell them the flat out truth and they thank me.
I don't think at those times I would want to be my friend, but I guess the truth will set you free.
I used to let people who I thought were more "spiritual" than me, make me feel intimidated, or inadequate.
But it seems to me that being "spiritual" was they could talk the talk and say stuff to make them seem spiritual, but it was hot air. When you see people who have a passion for Christ, a deep love for people and cry out to God for the lost, sacrifice comfort to go to less fortunate or another country. Those are the people who to me have back bone. They fight not just sin but, sometimes life and death, or imprisonment, persecution, pain.
We have so much comfort I think we forget those who don't.
So many people I know are or were missionaries, and I am so proud to know these people and pray for them and support them if I can.
Those are the true "Backbone" people.
We can be like that too, by opening our eyes a little wider and noticing the hurt and pain around us, often closer then we think. Reaching out to a friend, a neighbor, an acquaintance, a stranger and saying "God loves you". 
You can build a backbone one vertebra at a time. Start small. 
A smile, a hug, a hello.
Have a blessed day.


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