Thursday, August 8, 2013

Let me be the light bearer in this dark world

Good Morning friends,
Have you ever met a Christian who showed everything but God's love?
Those who worry so much about not being part of the world, they are removed from reality?
Not wanting the kids to be exposed to the world but in hindsight making life harder for the child because they are in shock when they are exposed to the world?
Or like my momma says "To Heavenly minded to be any earthly good"
We lived like that for a while and realized how much we were actually hurting our child, 
and how futile it really was.
So we decided to yes expose them to the world in small doses we could explain. Teaching them how to walk like Jesus and to love everyone the same.
I have many friends who aren't "CHRISTIANS". But who am I to judge? I certainly would never want to be the one to decide who gets into Heaven and who doesn't. The Bible says "Love one another" not "love those you agree with" or "love those who can already get to go to Heaven". I think we are going to be awfully surprised at the pearly gates to see who is there. 
My next question is this, "How are those who don't live a life that is Godly, come to know God?"
I learn more by example than words.
It is so easy to say "I love the sinner, just not the sin".
But do you really? 
Do you step out of your comfort zone?
Do you talk to a homosexual? Do you hug them? Do you hug a homeless person? What about the Muslim woman, who has her head covered? The single mom with 4 kids and isn't married? The Fat guy who smells funny? The woman talking to herself? 
Do you give a meal to a drug addict? do you sit and hold their hand during DTs? Do you bring them into your home ? or do you give them a few dollars on the corner and think "that was so nice of me" .DO  you pay for someone elses lunch in the drive thru? That person you see sitting alone and crying, do you bow your head and pray for them and go on or do you go hug them and listen? Not that praying isn't the perfect thing to do, but I think we do that and think were helping, when all that person needed was Jesus to wrap His arms around them and love them.
Oh but they smell. Um someone else will love them. Oh my I am so busy, I didn't have the time. I gave them a dollar, isn't that enough? 
Jesus talked to a Samaritan woman. That was against the law. He didn't stop to think "Oh that just cannot be done" because it takes us out of our comfort zone. HE talked to her and told her of new life in Him. About living water and a desire to serve Him. 
What if He said " Well I better not do that"Would that woman be with God today in Heaven? 
Are we willing to risk our reputation, our comfort, our ideals? To show Gods love. 
and can you do it without thinking I have to do this, cause God said to love others. But because we have genuine love for the sinner? Are you going to be the kind of person who will hug a homosexual and say I sure love you or barely acknowledge their existence because their life  is "sinful"and we shouldn't associate with that  if we don't agree with it.
By no means put yourself in danger, but be the arms and feet of Jesus. Pray each morning "God show me who I can love today" Let me be the light bearer in this dark world. Let me realize no matter how much of a hurry I am in that I should look around and see what You want me to do. But be late for Church? If God says stop and let them know they are loved. Is it more important to do what the world expects or what God commands? If things aren't going right pray because God may have you at the tire shop, or the dentist or the insurance office at that moment to show His love. 
So my prayer today is "Lord use all of me to show your love to anyone and everyone, and help me show my children how to have that same love for others"

Be blessed today


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