Friday, August 23, 2013

Old friends and life going on...

Good Morning Friends,
I have such mixed emotions today. It has been a crazy week. Two of my closest friends are dealing with major issues and my heart breaks for them. My life with my extended family is in shambles, (what are shambles anyway? another day perhaps) Life is crazy. My best friend from Jr. High is HERE!! 
So today I choose Joy.
Kristie and I were friends in 8 and 9th grade. Not really sure what happened to us but, I am positive it was my selfishness in some way or other. 
But today is a good day and we are being reunited after over 20 years.
Her  family moved to AZ shortly after graduation and I have not seen her since.
We have been back in touch via email and texting now for a few years and that is wonderful. 
But talking to someone and physically being with them is so different.
She was my Duran, Duran, Prince, MTV, Crazy clothes and HUGE hair phase.
I have so many fond memories of our time together and I look forward to making new memories today with our kids.  I need laughter today and joy and pure fun. Times of no worry or hurt or anger. 
I know I said that already, but I need to convince myself today.
Because as far as hurt goes in your life, life still goes on with VERY whiny boys and little girls who wont play with him. 
Today is so exciting and fun and I won't let others ruin it for their own manipulation. 
Today don't let anyone rob you of your joy.
Be blessed and call an old friend.


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