Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Persevere... your choice..

Good morning friends,
Yesterday I was in the car for 10 minutes and God answered my prayer.
I have been praying about all that has happened in the last six weeks, lies, hurt, anger... and I have found joy and peace in all of this, so I prayed what next? I have come this far what is the next step? And there it was on the radio, It started at the exact moment I needed to and heard what God needed me to hear. That shouldn't amaze me but it does that God is so faithful to speak when and where and how He needs to, so He will be heard.
Walk in the Word  with James MacDonald. He is doing a series called Finish line Faith .

1 Corinthians 10:13

New International Version (NIV)
13 No temptation[a] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[c] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

The first part of this verse, which it so happens is a verse I have gone to many times for the second half of it. Says that "there is no temptation (or curse) that others have not gone through." James M. goes on to say that many people have gone through the same trials we are facing now. BUT we can choose whether we will have victory or defeat in it. Many have been defeated and many have gloriously overcome, the choice is ours. We can choose to let circumstances win and grind us into the ground, OR we can persevere and become the person God intended. You have a bright future, in 2 Timothy it says just that. Perseverance is essential to faith. Faith starts the process, Perseverance gets you going and keeps you going. This is where we will find victory over life and death and all that attacks us from every side. It isn't decided by others or circumstances it is decided by YOU. YOU choose your actions. Will you break and swim around in a pool of woes and pain and just let it soak into you for years even? OR will you persevere and stand up and squash the lies and pain and run in full assurance that God is with you and no matter what others say or do, especially those who are supposed to love you most, YOU WILL OVERCOME.
Do you live in defeat or VICTORY?
We need to choose..
Will I let the lies and hurt win and rule my life?
Will I stand in victory and overcome?
Will I show those who hurt me that "Greater is He that is in me, than he who is in the world"?
We need to get our fight on...as Christians we are told to love, but you can fight in the name of love, and decency and hope and life. 
This is a battle for your soul...and the choice for the victory is all yours.
Perseverance and victory or defeat and pain?


How about you?


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