Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A fresh start

Good morning friends,
The past six weeks have been the hardest of my entire life.
And many of you have been along for it all, and for that I thank you.
Today life looks different when I woke up, not because life is bad but, I am excited about a new day.
Have you ever moved or started a new chapter in your life and have been excited about a clean slate?  Or the end of summer and start of a new school year. You are sad because something has ended, but excited about the possibilities to come. Sadness because you will miss your friends, but so excited about moving to a new home, a new life. A fresh start. Today I feel that way. Not sure why but I think I finally got to the point where I can say, I don't hurt although the scars are tender. My tears are all cried. My side has been told and actually listened to. Now all I can do is pick up the scraps of what was, toss them out and start new. With my head held high because the truth holds no bondage. I put the whole thing into God's hands, I DON"T WANT IT BACK. There is something about giving things to God wholly, not kinda letting Him help you with something, but actually letting it go, and not bothering with it anymore. Freedom. Pure clean deep breaths of fresh mountain air, new socks, surprise presents, kind of awe and wonder and new and such comfort and relaxed. That is what today is.  
Have you ever looked outside and noticed it was raining right after you just did your hair? But once you got outside it was a fresh warm spring rain, and it feels so wonderful and you just stand there face to the sky and let it wash over you? Clears the head and washes away the worries of the world. The smell alone screams fresh and new.
Today is a new day. What shall I do with myself? It doesn't really matter as long as I stay with my eyes on Christ, make His agenda my agenda. Take time to listen to what He is saying to me. 
Don't pick back up the baggage I gave to God.
Take a deep breath or six and walk in the newness of the day.
Ask God what he wants you to do today.
What in your life needs letting go of?

A fresh start.

Be blessed



Julie said...

Leaving it all with Him is the greatest challenge I face. I love the feeling that comes when you suddenly know that this is an area you can leave and not pick back up.
What an awesome blog.. I have been meaning to come visit for several months and am happy that I have. Have a blesed week.

Unknown said...

Thank you I am so glad you came and read, and were blessed. That is the purpose. Be blessed Suszi