Friday, October 17, 2014

Off the beaten path, He cares

                                  Good Morning friends,
 I was thinking I wouldn't write today, but I guess God has other plans. I didn't sleep last night, the joy of this illness is that if I have pain and take pain meds. I cannot sleep, if I grin and bear it, I cannot sleep. So therefore my day is starting out pretty groggy, and a little grouchy.
I know we all have down times, I seem to have many lately, but my prayer and hope are that one day life will be joy filled again, everyday. I pray and trust it will be so. This journey is like a National Lampoons vacation gone wrong. That is  very wrong. I need to learn to find joy where I am. in the minuet things so the joy can gain a foothold and take root again. I think part of my bleakness I'm feeling is the fact that winter is coming. Some of you may not understand, but here winter begins about the first part of November (if were lucky) and lasts til April. It is bitter cold, windy and very snowy. The past few years have been particularly hard. I can generally  keep busy but cabin fever sets in and you wonder why you live in this frozen tundra. I dream of moving to the South. As do many of my fellow Minnesotans. We have already seen snow this year, just a few flakes but it is coming. I hate going out in it and I hate how if affects my body. This journey I am on right now is surely unmapped and unplanned, but somehow and somewhere you got to trust that the outcome or end destination will amaze us.Sometimes I like to take shortcuts, or scenic byways. I am usually alone and I just start heading the direction I need to go, and drive. I always end up at my destination. Sometimes later then I had hoped but there none the less. On these little journeys, I have seen beauty, and amazing beauty. I am often amazed that God can make something so beautiful as nature, and very few people see it, either they don't look or don't care, regardless He still makes it splendid. I think we tend to think well if no one is going to see it, why spend so much time on it. God does it differently. He makes the flower far back in the woods off the path just as beautiful as the ones we see in the store. I often think of these times as moments of God's unconditional love. He in his vast wonder created a flower that only I would ever see. Or a flock of birds in the air will dance to a silent song, He wrote for only me. The way a leaf falls, in bright colors. The way an eagle soars.The beauty in a single snowflake. The sound of children laughing. All gifts, all often overlooked, or ignored because we are sooo busy. Is it so very hard to just stop for 30 seconds and remember the wonder of life? to pull over and watch the sunset, to breath in the moist air of Fall. ALL of us has those options but do we choose or spend so much time, going going goooooing, we forget? We pray "God, do you love me?" and feel His answer is no, or He isn't talking to us. He is. In quiet moments. Trips off the beaten path. Brilliant sunsets. The smell of the air. Those are Hugs and reassurances He is with us. He loves us. He cares so much, He gives us what we need but also sooo much more, if we only stop to see.

Be blessed today

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