Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Finding your gift.

Good Morning friends.
I have had the craziest last week.
But you can breath a sigh of relief because I am back.
I had coffee with a friend the other day, so she could pick my brain about my writing.
I was so flattered. She is a writer. I am me. But the one thing it showed me during our talk was that I have a passion, Often when you have thoughts about something you enjoy, they are nice thoughts, but when you speak those thoughts, you hear the true meaning behind the words. Even though I am not a great writer, and definitely not a editor. I love sharing hope. I love making someone think, or encourage someone.
I am not an intellect but I am a lot deeper then I appear to be. Many people see me and think they know me right away, "She's quirky", "She is odd", "She is artistic", and on and on. few people have tried to dig deeper.
The spiritual side of me, the hidden thoughts, okay so that may be a scary place to go. I was genuinely flattered to be asked for my opinion. She is starting a blog and needed inspiration and a a little help. I am so excited for her. And I am quite sure I filled her head to over flowing, I don;t really have an off switch when I get talking. But I am so glad for her. I have heard people who run, say they have to run everyday. Their bodies won't let them stop. That is kinda how writing is with me. If I don't have time or have other things to do and cannot write one day I feel like something is missing. Something is undone. I like to write in the mornings, I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. I feel God can use me better if I am not awake or yet to the point in my day I am frustrated or busy with the kids. Before I have my second cup of coffee and my brain is actually working, there are even days I don't know what I have really written about until I proof read something. I just want to convey the love of God and that their is hope. I am friends with so many people who really don't "believe" in God. and that is fine. Can I love these folks absolutely. For me it doesn't matter to me who you are, you deserve to be loved. Lifestyles I don't "agree" with or choices people make are ultimately up to them. I rarely give my opinion on those things unless they ask. What I can do is love and cherish each person. Love unconditionally, and accept willingly. I am the last person to feel holier than anyone. I am not a very good model of "Christianity". I get grouchy, and yell and swear, I have very little filter. I let frustration get to me. I hurt and complain and definitely don't act pious. But I love God, I love people, and I love hope. If one persons life can be given a little hope today or given enough hope to get them through a bad day until they see a new day tomorrow, I guess I have done my best. Pray today. "How can God use me despite my faults and weaknesses?" He will but if you pray, be willing to go if He says move,
Be blessed today

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