Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Morning friends,
If you are a morning person, someone who rises with or before the sun, I do not understand?
I am not nor have I ever been a morning person, I enjoy the peace after my family is in bed at night, I think better, i'm more creative and more motivated. Mornings I don't do well!! So the past few days my son, (also a night owl) has been getting up about an hour earlier then normal. AHHHHH!!! I'm used to my daughter who is very much a morning person and forbidden from waking me unless she is hurt or the house is on fire. So needless to say my one cup of coffee is becoming more like 3. Now I don't mind not having to drag him out of bed  but I hardly notice since I'm being drug out. I digress.
Growing up we had one of those coffee pots that had 3 pots on it, a never ending cycle of coffee. Our house was always filled with coffee drinkers, and of course everyone drinks it differently. 
I am just a flavored creamer person, Bailey's creamer (YUMM) and coffee. My dad is a scoop of sugar and cream while my mom is black all the way to the bottom of the cup. My brother uses about half a pound of sugar, like 10 little packs for a cup. My daughter is a coffee snob, grinds fresh beans make a breve' or something of that sort. I have a Keurig machine pop in the pod and out comes the coffee, almost  all I can handle some mornings. 
But some mornings no amount of coffee can help. Our special needs daughter (the morning bird) is over the top goofy and no amount of meds for her or coffee for me help. Those days used to be rarer but as her condition worsens or progresses they are more frequent. Outbursts, crying, today hiding her head under a blanket, often screaming and kicking, much like a 2 year old. And I would love to say I'm patient and caring and sensitive to her at these times, but in reality i'm short and impatient and angry. Those aren't things you want to be with your children but thank God for Grace. On my computer as wall paper I have a quote that says...."Shame says that because I am flawed I am unacceptable, but Grace says though I am flawed I am cherished"  isn't God amazing? He knows who I am and how I am in situations and my short comings and flaws and he loves me regardless. One of my favorite sayings is "When I am down to nothing, God is up to something" and I say that a lot during these times with my daughter and life. Sometimes I question God because it is said He wont give you more then you can handle, and some days I feel like i'm stretched to my breaking point and nothing else can give. But there He is with His grace and love holding it all together. I can't imagine going through this life without God leading and guiding me, my biggest issue is to let HIM have control and relax knowing I don't have to handle it alone or by my self.
So today ask God how you can rely on Him more and let Him control your life, I guarantee it will go so much easier and be more fulfilling. 
Be blessed today

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