Friday, November 7, 2014

Miracles and wonder

Good morning friends,
Ok on the quest to get my joy back I failed miserably yesterday with my kids. I tried. But when you go into a store and your daughter sees a name tag and feels the need to introduce herself to them and try to become their best friend and starts giggling uncontrollably and talking loudly, you can't get out of the store fast enough. Or 5 minutes later were getting her brother and she has to go on and on about a snake until her brother gets mad and hits her, after I tell her 10 times to be quiet, oh and this happened in front of the therapist. ok that is 10 minutes of a very long day yesterday. Today I start again.
Anyway I dygress.
And once again my thoughts are totally gone because I was just handed a plate of wet eggs. Don't even try to visualize it is really gross. 
I have been thinking and that is scarey I know. Have you ever met someone who has no imagination? Someone who has lost all sense of wonder? 
They live in cold hard reality and there just isn't room for fantasy.
I have and it is very sad. I think we all need to have a little "magic" in our lives. Like believing fairies exsist or looking for animals in the clouds. I think if we lose that, life becomes very dull.
I believe God gave us imaginations as a gift. that sense of wonder. An ability to look harder at little things.
To see His glory in the tiny details. To believe He is bigger than everything. But that He is equally amazing in the small. He cares for us no matter our circumstances or stature. He is so present in the tiny, He hears those weak crys through sobs, when you can only wisper His name, He hears. 
That is why we can worship Him in many ways. Yes prayer and worship are important, but there are so many ways to honor Him. He has given me many gifts and I try to honor Him always, but I also have many faults. In those faults he can quietly remind me to be calm and breath. He sees what makes me upset or hurt and calms me. He cares that I hurt or become frusterated and frazzled. As much as He loves us in happy times, He loves us that much more in bad. No latter how small we feel, He makes us great.
We maybe cannot control curcumstances in our lives but, we can control how we see things.
How we react to things.
Pray today WITH me for peace and a clear mind to not react to things, but to give them to God.
In Him we will see miracles and wonder.
Be blessed today

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