Thursday, November 13, 2014

Honoring Change

Good morning friends,
Today is a new day thank God. Yesterday was awful. My Chrissy did everything you can imagine, if it could it did go wrong, ie. a bucket of water on the floor, wrote on the walls, talked back... Needless to say it was a long day and it was also the perfect example of why I don't keep alcohol in the house. It is days like that I have a hard time figuring out why God blessed us with her. I know of course, because she needed love and consistency, but I still wonder. I always let my temper get the best of me. Yesterday was better, but still pushed me to my limits. It is hard raising children in society today, but harder yet to raise damaged ones. 
I am often told how wonderful we are to have taken them, but I don't feel wonderful sometimes. I think as parents we all have hard times. I have 3 children with 3 very strong personalities. I see moms with 5 or 6 kids who are content to walk along with them, mine not so much. One would fly or paint or create her way at her own pace, one who would complain but show enormous strength in crisis, and a little boy who never walked, he ran, but has enormous compassion and love. All three strong, independent and I wouldn't change for the world. The only thing I ever wanted to be, was a mother. Oh I had plans...Fashion designer, missionary and world traveler. Well here  I am a mother, never left this Continent, and although I do design work, it isn't on a runway in Paris. Life has a funny way of working. And I don't look at those things as failure, but as a different direction. Change is not failure. I know I get so upset or stressed, but God knows my heart. He knows my life is all about the kids. It is really all I ever needed to do with my life. Maybe someday I will see the leaning tower of Piza, or the Mona Lisa or the castles of Ireland. But if I don't that is OK too, because I have had to opportunity to raise 3 amazing children. An honor. My name will never be in lights during fashion week, but it is on the love notes I get from an amazing little boy.  I may never see the art at the Louver in Paris, but the pictures I get from a little girl as her coloring slowly deteriorates are priceless to me.  The pride I feel over my eldest starting a life and making her own family, my greatest achievement. You see life may never turn out as planned but, sometimes God's plan is so much more important than ours,
So today as my perspective is brought more into focus on what God wants and less on what I want, I thank Him for these amazing gifts all three of them, and pray I do as well as I can to honor Him in their raising.
So I hope today you can find ways to honor Him in what are changes in our agendas.
Be blessed today

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