Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother Theresa ain't got nothing on me!

Good Morning friends,
I Saw this quote the other day and it really spoke to me.
We spend so much time praying for answers, that when WE ARE the answer we don't see it.
We don't have to wait for God to use us, He already is.
God called the 12 disciples and they didn't have credentials, fancy degrees, or were even "Born Again".
They were fisherman, tax collector and Zealot. They were smelly, not trust worthy and obsessive.
Jesus used them anyway
I want to be used like that.
If we have to wait for everything to be "Perfect" it will never happen.
Like waiting for a baby until your finances are better.
We also may not be used like Billy Graham for years and years, many generations.
Jesus had (what we think) a 3 year ministry. He also has touched many, many , many generations.
We may not ever do anything "Great" or worthy of greatness.
Sometimes the smallest things make the most difference. 
I had a friend once who didn't do anything until God "told" them what to do/
They spent so much time looking for signs and confirmation, they weren't doing anything.
He gave us a guide book. The Bible, A communication device, Prayer and a school, Church.
All we need to succeed at spiritualism.
I don't think you need to know apologetics, or systemic theology to understand what God wants you to do.
Not that those things are bad, but I don't think it has to be that hard.
Love, kindness, joy, forgiveness, patience...
Even I can do that. And that is saying something. 
We don't have to be another Mother Theresa, or Dali Lama and change the world.
Maybe God wants you to reach One person. Are you ready?
Are you willing? Are you qualified?
Yep sure are.
So go get em'
Where will he use you?
Can He use you?
 I hope so.

Be blessed today

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