Monday, May 5, 2014

"It's my way or the highway"

Good Morning friends,
Yesterday in church, my spirit was stirred.
Our pastor talked about rocky soil.
Growing up in a farming community, it is easy to see the importance of non-rocky soil.
If we have rocky soil in our heart, nothing can grow.
So, how do we know if the soil is rocky or not?
*Talk more than listening
*You frequently ask "What is in it for me"
*You are more interested in yourself, than others
* Thinking- "I'm ok, but others need help"
*I want others to do it "MY WAY"
* Your not easily molded, shaped, or adjusted easily
*Your unable to be joined to others
*Others must work around us

Am I willing to change?
What rocks do I have that need to go?
I know I can be controlling, and often that causes conflict especially in marriage. So many times in our marriage I made what could have been fun memorable times we're marred by the fact that I needed things done my way, so either do it exactly MY WAY or get out of the way and I will do it myself.
You know that is a ton to bear. When just letting go a little, releases you from that weight.
I have learned all to well the hard way that many others are better at somethings, and just because it isn't done my way doesn't mean it isn't amazing. That I am not perfect and my world isn't going to end, because I didn't get my way.
The hard part of learning this, is that I am the youngest child, with all brothers. The world did revolve around me. I was given all I wanted, everything was handed to me. If I wanted it my way it was done that way. 
It has taken me years to break free of that. Not an easy task.
Many of my family still see me that way, but I have spent so much time changing that in myself. 
Those were hard rocks to remove and painful, but I feel so much lighter because of it.
Being easily shaped , molded or adjusted, was also quite painful.
Have you ever worked with clay? If it is old it cannot even be molded. If you wanted to make it pliable again you had to clean it, chop it up, wet it, and pulverize it, THEN put it through a press to smooth all the chunks out and not only once but repeatably until it was soft again. The thing about this clay is that it is never the same, as how it was when it was created. You cannot use that clay for fine china but, maybe a pitcher of everyday or a flower pot. The delicate vessels can no longer be made. So if you let yourself get so hard and old and spent, you have little to give the potter that He can create that is pristine. It cause Him to have to work harder to use you. If you cannot be molded early before this ridged sets in, it is a long painful process to be made movable once more.
Most of these rocky things in our life sound self centered. What 'I WANT"! Knowing what you want and working toward that is ok, but making yourself crazy and only seeing that goal and nothing else can be bad. Yes I know we need goals, things to reach for, but doesn't it sound so much easier to put the "I WANTS" aside and go for what HE WANTS? I bet often times it will end up being close to what you want.
God knows our hearts.
One of the worship songs we sang yesterday really spoke to my heart.
"Break my heart for what breaks Yours, everything I have for your kingdoms cause"
I started drawing what I thought that meant, like drugs or alcohol or guns, but those are things of the world, then He showed me what breaks His heart, is His people gossiping and fighting, us being to busy to take time to pray or spend with Him. Those are the kinds of things that break His heart.
Spouses not trying, or people hurting on another.
Wow, Satan really got me last week. He can take something so tiny, and twist it into your soul and make it seem like the world is crashing around you. Even though we know not to let him, he sees when we are weak and watches for those openings. I hadn't been to church in about 3 weeks, and I felt disconnected from the body. That right there is an opening. When we aren't together as a body we weaken, our minds make little things huge. 
Getting our soil right for planting, takes time.
It isn't about what you give or do, our works won't get us there.
Faithful endurance is what is needed.
you don't go to a field and pick up the rocks one time either.
If you look on the edge of the field there is a pile of rocks.
It takes many times of rock picking, they come to the surface when you turn over the soil.
If there are rocks in the soil below the surface, roots cannot grow, Maturity cannot happen, if maturity cannot happen, fruit will not produced, plants may grow a bit but will soon whither and die.
The roots are what holds us strong, keep us straight, that is how we are fed, it is how we mature.
Psalms 1:3 Trees planted by water have strong roots that have an endless supply of water and food. Those in the dessert only few remain, they don't grow strong, they are only fed, rarely. We need to  plant ourselves where we will be fed. In that safe, place of feeding and health, those rocks can be dug out and fresh soil can turned into the old to bring life to us.
Today pray about the rocks in your heart.
What is it you need to dig out?

Have a blessed day

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