Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A long Journey began...

Good Morning friends,
Sorry it has been so long, since I have written.
The past week was so full of bitter sweet time with my family.
I will tell you all about it in time to come. Today I just want you to know that
because of the grace of God, I made it through this entire time of my momma dying with such a peace and grace. I got to spend many precious moments with my mom before she died, it was so special. 
My mom was always so funny, and she carried that humor all through her dying. She always had a way of making everything fun. The one thing my mom did do was unashamedly told people of her faith until her last breath. She had such courage and strength. Her wish was to have her children around her. I have 3 brothers and many foster kids and many adopted brothers, and she had everyone there. My brother Jeff flew from Australia and made it in time for her to say she loved him. 
My daddy was so strong also, and glad to see her not suffering anymore. 
I am still numb from the whole thing and exhausted but that too in time will pass. But I cherish each moment I had with her. One thing this showed me though is the people who are my true friends. Those people who dropped everything to help or feed or clean or hug. I never once had to worry about feeding my kids, or my house being clean for guests, or someone to call. I cannot even express the amount of gratitude I feel. I saw my church family in action, and they are all amazing. I am most thankful for those who just sit with me, not saying anything but just being here, quiet strength and support. I find peace just knowing they are here and it helps so much. Even those hurting in their own lives, set that aside to care for my family and me. 
 In days to come I will share this tremendous journey with you and how I saw God work in so many lives.
And please continue to pray for my family especially my daddy as he makes decisions for the future.
Thank you all  so much.

Blessings to you all


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