Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Zombies for Jesus?

Good Morning Friends,
I want to take this opportunity to welcome so many new friends, I have gotten so many requests this week to join our group and to hear about my journey, it honors me that you would like to hear about my life.
I also want to send a special Happy birthday wish to one of the most wonderful and funny people I know.
Megan is one of the best friends I have and is the kind of friend that is so devoted and faithful.
So today eat pie in honor of Megan.
Today I am so grouchy, but I am working hard to get out of that.
My friend Carrie and I are making a special dinner for our husbands and presenting them our business plan.
So please pray that this desire the we think is from God, that our husbands will be open to it.
I miss my mom today, and I am not looking forward to the holidays with out her. My daughter is super wacky today also which is grating on me badly.
I am just in a funk today, so I will have to dig deep for peace and joy today.
I am not sure why some days are harder than others when your grieving, maybe a word or sound, a scent or touch that stirs your soul and memory. I got a whole bunch of PJ pants that were my moms and I put some on today and it felt like a hug from her. 
We are also going to make applesauce today and that is something my mom and I would do together every year. 
I also have to learn to put my husband and children first, I told you how my dad would put others before us because of work, and I tend to do the same thing. I get so excited and take off and forget those behind me, so I have to continue to hold my excitement back and honor my husband by stopping to listen to him, and being in submission to him spiritually.
I don't understand sometimes how my brain works and why I do the things I do, because I think one way and reality is different, or what others see. I want to honor God in every area of my life. My home and family, church and business, friends and others. To bring glory to His name and not my own.
Yes I am creative and talented, those are gifts. Gifts from God, given to glorify God, and used for His purposes. I want to help my family with these gifts financially, I have tried selling so many things and it just isn't my cup of tea (I hate tea). But using my art in a way that brings in money now that would be a blessing.
I know my job as a mother and wife carries no monetary pay but is priceless and valuable, that doesn't help buy food or clothes.
We have prayed, Carrie and I about this so much. I had been praying for money to buy supplies and just yesterday a lady asked if I could paint a Zombie and I said yes and for her fee she is paying us in the paint we need. Now I know zombies are not necessarily God derived, but my talent is and because what I do washes off with soap and water, and there is nothing vulgar about it, I feel I can glorify God with that, the couple I am doing them on will come to my house, see my life and hear about God. so I think God can use even zombies to bring people close to Him. I also get to be close to people who chitchat and I can pray for them and breath life into them, when I normally wouldn't be able to get a paint brush space away from them. I think that living for God doesn't always look that way, I am not walking around with a t-shirt that says "Your going to hell" or carrying a giant Bible or shouting "Praise Jesus" in every breath. It is in the quiet prayers, and the love we show others, like not getting mad when they butt in line or have 30 groceries in the express lane, showing patience and grace. God gives us all talents, I can paint, but what can you do in your work or lives to show God's love to others? On the phone with sales people, in a store helping others, serving them food a quick pray is said over? Jobs are stressful and crazy, but God is in control, He is glorious and those things that bug you about your job or stress you out, may be the one thing God wants to use you to glorify Him. For example that situation would have made me mad when the contractor put the pipes in wrong but, now he has to come back and that is just another time you can show grace and tell him about Jesus or show him peace and love.
One of my friends told me lately that the things the bug you in others, most likely is something in your life that is wrong, not theirs. So today if you are grouchy or angry or stressed, let's ask God to help us be patient, gracious and happy so through that we can show God's love to those around us.
Be blessed today.

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