Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A wonderful woman...

Good Morning friends,
Today I want to talk to you about a wonderful person.
Judy she is my mother in law and one of the most wonderful  and amazing people I know.
The first time I met her I was so nervous, we were telling her we were engaged. 
She was wonderful from day one. I was accepted so much by her. 
She is so encouraging of my many endeavors, always willing to lend a hand.
As a grandma she became JUJU and has worn that title well. My daughter was the only grandchild for several years, and the change from mom to grandma took no effort at all, and we are all hoping that going to great grandma comes soon, mostly cause that makes me grandma hehehe. 
When my mom died, she was right there with love, compassion and encouragement.  
One of my favorite things about her being my MIL is the fact she came with her parents, the people who raised her so wonderfully, became my grandparents.
She has been an inspiration as far as raising my kids, she was one of the first people I meet who had raised special needs children. She has shown me how to fight for them, and to carry their "issues" with soo much grace and courage. She wears life with grace and peace. 
Judy is such a positive person. 
She is a historian, she researches genealogy, and records our history. She is so diligent in keeping pictures from the past preserved.
She has endured many hardships, but has withstood them with strength and dignity.
My most favorite thing about her is she raised an amazing son.
He is respectful, kind & loving. All qualities she instilled in him and he now does to his children.
I have so many stories of her and the fun we have had. She always makes Christmas fun.
I really dislike the Christmas season, and she brings so much joy and fun into it.
I could go on and on about the wonderful qualities she has, but I want more than anything to do is, wish her 
a very happy birthday today. 
I hope her day is fabulous and whimsical.
Be blessed today.

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