Friday, November 22, 2013

What makes a muskrat guard his musk?

Good morning friends,
What make a muskrat guard his musk? 
Today that is on my heart.
I don't feel couragous at all. I dont think I am.
But none of us wake up and say "I think I will be couragous today"
I think overcoming each small obsticle in life makes us 
There are those who are hughly couragous, cancer patients, soliders
I have done a few couragous things in life. But today I feel that just taking a shower or going out somewhere would take courage. 
Recently I saw a sign that said. "Change is not failure" Courage to change?
I dont like change, so it takes courage for me to do it.
I dont have tons of it at all courage that is, and lately it has been spent on just making it through a day.
Satan has hit me so hard latly with so many thoughts. I pray constantly and yes that helps.
But it is still hard. Last weekend I had sucidal thoughts for a few days. I knew I wouldn't ever do that but, I still had evil whispering in my ear. Those thoughts I understand. YES that would solve my problems, but what about my kids? Dave? I mean really could anyone raise these two alone? 
I wouldn't but the pain I am feeling is so raw. Then add new pain to it. And it is like a scratch you rescratch when it is raw. OUCH. 
I am being honest and I know it is important for me to be so today.
A tiny baby step takes courage, to go on with grief, to heal, to overcome, to forgive.
Grabbing your leg and dragging it in front of the other one. Forcing life to go on.
Finding Joy when there shouldn't be joy. Finding peace that only comes from God.
One day last year, We almost died. I was stopped at a stop sign and my purse fell over so I bent down to pick it up, as soon as I raised up an SUV sped past me and hit the curb and flew into the side of the house. Had my purse not fallen I would have inched ahead to see around the corner and been hit right on my door.
Well I pulled over and was first on the scene, Long story short, I helped. The cars door was bent shut and i tried to open it and it wouldnt budge, so I prayed and pulled as hard as i could and got it open.
Not that it was couragous, but I didn't think twice about helping. Is that courage?
My cousin who has Reumatoid Artheritus was walking her dog the other day and it tripped her about 5 feet from the mail box. she fell and landed on her head in the mud and poop. Now that is extremely hilarious to me, but there was a car at the mailbox, they looked at her, rolled up their window and drove away. Ok so that made me mad. You see someone hurt and you don't help? I so don't understand that. Who does that? Doesn't ask if you are ok? nothing? Just go to your house and get out and go in and pretend like nothing happened. I don't think that takes courage, just kindness and love.I would love to think
 I know no one who would just walk away, but I am sure many don't want to get involved. 
My hubby gets mad sometimes if we see someone hurting or a car crash and I want to stop, when there is sirens in the distance. He says I am just being nosy hehe, but I really want to help. 
But above all I always have in my mind two things.
 1. What would I want if that was me?
2. What if that is an angel?
I don't want to be the one who didn't help.
Is that courage or guilt? 
I say courage. 
Today I will take out my paint and make something.
A Step.
A journey cannot start until the first step is taken.
What do you need to do today that takes courage?

Be blessed today


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