Friday, November 1, 2013

Embracing my trials...

Good Morning friends,
Yesterday in my running around madness it is amazing how God grabs those few seconds to let you hear exactly what He wants.
As I was running kids home cold and crabby, before I left to meet friends for a play at the local theater,
Walk in the Word with Dr. James MacDonald came on the radio. if you want to hear the entire message it is called I shall come forth as gold part 3, on . 
James talked about trials and adversity and how to know where God is during those trials.
He said it so well i'm just going to share his words with you.
"Unless I embrace my trial with unwavering submission to God, you will not reap the good, the good doesn't come until I embrace the trial" . "I must confess and live the reality that God is not AWOL, He is in control, He allowed this to happen, I wish it wasn't hard but, we have to embrace that. "Get you focus off the clock and onto the content of what God is trying to teach you." "God is never more present then when His Children are suffering," "If you believe God exists to make you comfortable, He will be absent in your suffering,if you think He exists to make your life run smoothly, you will find God absent when you hit a rocky patch, If you believe God exists to make you happy, you will find God absent when your heart is broken and your tears are flowing. But if you believe God's goal is to make you Holy, then in the midst of the trial around you, you will feel His arms around you. "
So my first question to myself was, Do I feel a void or His embrace? Do I doubt He may not be there or do I feel His presence in control?
I admit I have moments of doubt and deep sadness when hope wanes. for the most part I feel His love and grace working in my life. So as I struggle and watch my dear friends struggle, I often wonder why so much pain come on and hopelessness is felt? I don't understand right now but in so many instances in my life I look back and see the purpose of the trial. 
The trials you may be  experiencing right now, may seem unbearable, but God is there in the midst of it and His glory will prevail. 
When I thought my life was unbearable, and I hated even dealing with things, and the daily things were set aside for the necessary things and I felt overwhelmed and drowning under the weight of it all, He was there.
He never left, I feel His presence in my life so strongly through every trial. Not in any way am I saying I am Holy or know what I  am doing but, I know I feel His presence and love in my life. I am not perfect or anywhere close to it. But I know my salvation and joy are firm. I may not be happy some days  especially lately because if I had my way I would have slept through the last few weeks. Having a purpose helps. Being busy, having friends around and a husband who covers me with prayer and love helps. I think the most important thing is that even when I feel numb, and full of sorrow, He is not just there, He is holding me wrapped in His loving arms weeping with me and comforting my soul. 
What do you need today? He is there. 

Have a blessed day


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