Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lego's just wont come apart.

( these are my sermon notes from the past few weeks above)
(the red area reads as a prayer: Jesus forgive me from my willful disobedience, set me free.)
Mark 1:32-34
32-34 That evening, after the sun was down, they brought sick and evil-afflicted people to him, the whole city lined up at his door! He cured their sick bodies and tormented spirits. Because the demons knew his true identity, he didn’t let them say a word.

Hello Friends,
This verse or verses are the ones our church have been studying the past few weeks.
And I am no theologian, but It has really struck a cord with me.
About what we let get between us and God. Strong holds and foot holds and stuff.
Footholds are those weak places Satan tries to get in and hurt you,
Have you ever had 2 Lego's stuck together and no way are you getting them apart? You bite and dig, use anything necessary to get them apart. So frustrating isn't it. Satan knows the right tool to use to get in that tight spot. Like hurtful words, anger, attitudes etc.
The one that Struck me the hardest was our reactions.
I guess I know if I talk back to someone, or get snotty it is wrong, but I never really thought that the way I react to my husband or kids as sin. I know it can come across rude or inpatient. and that is bad. but the emotion behind the reaction can be sin. I have the past few years tended to get worse in my tone or how I come across as being more sarcastic, and there is the sin. Not that telling your kids to sit and be quiet, or stop fighting, or listen to me, are wrong. But thoughts like "Oh man, can you just shut up and be still"
" Grrr those kids are making me crazy" 
I know what sin is, but me being sinful with my kids? wow.
Not that we arnt allowed to be firm and upset with them but where does being Christ like come in?  
Not the first thing to come out lately. 
I love my kids and husband, and Ohh how they make me nuts sometimes.
It is said you hurt the ones you love the most.
Those are the ones who love you at your worst, but also at your best.
That is God. Loves us at our worse and best. No questions asked.
So how do we act? Not the way I am.
I have a huge, personality and Irish and a hillbilly.
It is hard to admit my wrong, but that is where grace comes in.
As with life everything is a process, a journey.
One step at a time, one moment at a time.
For me one reaction at a time.

Our homework in church was to pray about where we think those footholds are in our life.
God will show you the areas that need work, prayer and tightening up.
I figure I will take one at a time cause I'm sure there is a lot of areas I need help with and in order to be about the business of the things of God, we MUST be constantly vigil of those areas we are weak in.
So footholds don't become strongholds, and it is harder to get rid of.
Be blessed today


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