Thursday, October 31, 2013

Have a Boo-tiful day...

Good morning friends,
Happy Halloween
I don't want to discuss the spiritualism of this day.
I want to share my stories of my memories of this day. I was a country kid so we had to go to town and beg for candy. One thing I think about is our costumes, they were thin plastic masks, that if you twisted wrong they would break and a plastic jumpsuit that was printed with the character of your choice, I always picked Raggedy Ann. My best friend was from a family of 16 or 18 or a ton. and buying costumes for them all was out of the question, so they were on their own and I remember them having paper plate masks and dressing in regular clothes.  I just remember feeling sad cause my cheap little costume was better than hers. There were a few years where I know my mom encouraged me to use a paper plate and I remember the excitement I felt getting to do that and not feeling bad cause we were equally attired. Our parents would either drive slowly along the street or drop us off at one end and met us at the other end. Times were much simpler then. We had 2 houses which stood out to me in our town. The first was the house that you didn't go to unless you were dared to, the house with the doll in the window. The other was Mrs. Fenlons she brought full sized candy bars to the door on a silver platter for you to choose from, she made you feel special. Those two houses stuck in my mind so much. It is so funny what you remember from childhood. My husbands family has a tradition also Dave's mom made a leopard costume for him as a baby and nearly every child after that has worn it, It is 45 years old and still looks great and I am so excited for my grandchild to wear it someday. I guess with all I don't like about Halloween, I do love the traditions.
The pure joy and excitement of those days of childhood, when no matter your age you can be silly and laugh and how this is never a bad thing. Whenever you can laugh I believe it heals you and makes your mind work better. I get to laugh a lot because I have a really silly bunch of friends around me.
Nothing else seems to heal my broken soul like laughter. Are you feeling down? I fight it everyday, depression runs rampant with me and I know with many others, but laughing is the cure to many sadness's.
Today look around I know that there will be many chances to laugh and chase those blues away on this happy, childish and fun day.
Be blessed today 
Have a Bootiful day.

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