Monday, November 4, 2013

Flawed but faithful....

Good Morning Friends,
We had a sad weekend. Another family friend died and once again another funeral.
We also had to make a change in our house. 
I don't know about you but I don't take change well. I will put things off hoping they work themselves out. So when it get's to a point where change is essential it often can be hard.
I tried to handle it with grace and kindness, but my intentions were not taken the way I had hoped.
It hurts me so bad that people would think I intentionally hurt them. My thinking is that if people really try to know me, know that I never pretend to be anything but real. I love God with my whole heart, and strive to be faithful to Him and His ways. I never profess to be perfect. I have flaws that I will admit, but I would never want anyone to to question my relationship with God. I admit I may not be one of the holiest or most learned, but I strive to be the best person I can be. 
I learned along time ago the difference between conviction and condemnation. Conviction draws us toward God and condemnation pulls us away from God. 
We all need to have things happen in our lives that are growing experiences, we have to go through trials not because God made them, but because He wants to use them to help us grow.
God wants us to learn the easy way, but if you are like me I generally have to do it the hard way.
My many difficult experiences I have had in life have molded me and formed me into His image.
When we are young and life is hard, it is hard to hear God's voice in a matter because voices around us are louder. But with maturity  we learn listen less to people and more to God, then we realize that the circumstances of a situation, although hard and painful, will mature us and bring us closer to Christ. But often is the case we aren't quiet and gracious for this trial that we become like toothpaste, once you squeeze it out of the tube you can't get it back in. We say and do things that when others see them it shows our true character and also makes us not have rose colored glasses on anymore, but reality bright and clear, and it often is not pretty.I just pray for God's grace and favor in all situations, That people who judge me, I am so sorry I am flawed but I am, if I do something wrong I apologize quickly. I don't offend easily and hope I don't offend, but again I am flawed. I work hard to be the person God wants me to be. Sometimes I have to make hard decisions for the greater good of my family, and if you have special needs children you will understand that their needs are for most in our minds. They need care and if something isn't working you try something new. So today we try something new and and strive to have grace and be the example of God that is pleasing not to men but to God, that we might better share His love and peace.
Let us strive to have grace today.

Be blessed.

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