Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Full Of Grace

Good Day friends,
Shew what a day, hit the floor running this morning and just stopped.
Somedays it seems life has a mind of it's own doesn't it?
Well, mine sure does.
But it has been a blessed day also. I go to a book club with several women from church, and it is amazing. I am the youngest is as usual, but I love that too, to get to sit at the feet of these women and learn from them. It has been a great thing. And I am learning to love these women.
All of them are from the South too. Something I can relate with, which is wonderful too.
We are reading the book The Thank You Room about a woman we all know, who went through a round of cancer while she was pregnant. It is about grace and hope and coping. These are things we all go through on a daily basis. 
My name means: full of Grace. I thought for most of my life there was no way at all I was full of grace, because I am the clumsiest person ever. If there is something to trip over I WILL. But in the past few years as I have matured I have deliberately striven to be full of grace. 
One definition of grace is: a manifestation of favor
Isn't that something we all want? Favor. But from who? Others? Sure we can say we don't care about what others think, but yeah we do on some level. 
But the only favor I think that is necessary would be God's. At least that is the favor I want. I want that grace. If God gives you that and you accept it, I think it overflows onto others. I have seen abundant Grace in my life, so many times, and I want and make a feeble human go at walking in that grace. We can be Gods hands by showing that grace. 
Another definition of grace is: mercy; clemency; pardon.
Someone cuts you off in traffic, you get charged for a missed appointment,  someone at church says something,  you don't have good service at a store...I could go on and on but I think you get the idea. These are times for me at least that grace is necessary but often 
our first reaction is less then graceful. Mine are. I have to make a conscious effort to show that grace. And yes usually after my first reaction was not graceful. So now daily I pray and work hard on being Full Of Grace. I wish it came easy. With practice it will get easier.
So today walk in grace.
How can you show grace where you live?
Do you need mercy or favor?


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