Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Are you expectations for yourself too high?

Good Morning friends,

What a Great sunny day.
I am so excited for so many reasons today.
First less then 10 days and my brother will be here with his family from Australia.
And I get to create something wonderful.
We are having VBS at Church and I got the job of decorating the entire church!!!!
I am so excited. I love nothing more then to paint and cut out and create and decorate and paint and build and paint!!! As you can see i'm so excited.
My only Issue now is time.
When I have to work around others schedules because I need a key or something it is so hard. 
It is so hard to dictate when I am most creative, which is usually in the later evening.
And also my time seems so precious this month.
I have about a month to get the church ready, and 2 baby showers i'm working on,
 and a wedding reception to decorate.
You see I love this stuff, did I say that?
So yes I tend to get over booked and tired, but I thrive on activity.
I need a dead line and a little pressure, and I am good to go.
But, that causes issues with my health and family so I have to learn to cut back on what I want to do,
and be more practical in what I do do.
And that is so hard for me, something I have found as I age is that I don't like change and once I get something in my head it is so hard to change it.I work so hard at not letting something get stuck there, so I can't be flexible.  And then it occurs to me that I can be like that in life too. I get an idea, good or bad, and can't seem to change the way I think. Like that I need to look a certain way or work or home-school my kids or have my yard or on and on and on. I'm not talking about keeping up with the Jones' but about the expectations I put on myself. What I have in my mind of what my life should be, and I get so tired trying to obtain that goal that I can't seem to do anything. So these are basically lies I tell myself I have to overcome and change.
So today I am working on not doing the biggest, greatest most awe inspiring thing (at least in my mind), and doing something that is great and perfect and less stressful and wonderful just the same.
So off I go, to create and enjoy a day of painting and design.
Be blessed today and think about what areas in your life are you not accepting change, or stepping out of your comfort zone, or setting too high of expectations for yourself, and pray about the change.
Be blessed today.


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