Monday, July 29, 2013

Sharing the Love of God

Good Morning friends,
As you can see we attempted to have our family pictures taken.
As you can see my family is slightly abnormal.
I really dont believe we got any pictures that were very "Normal " looking.
Being a photographer I realize how difficult  it is to take photos of a large family group.
but then you add in our quirkiness and the fact that I also do photography and see certain shots. You might almost begin to understand how our day went.
We actually had 3 photographers there. Jennifer and Kimberly of His Light Photography and Kelsey Millican of Kelsey Millican photography.  And Kelsey did a great job and it will look good in her portfolio. His light shots im excited to see. But the most important thing is, that we had a blast and laughed and played and caught some very precious  moments. It truly showed me how our family is though. We are at the core irreverent. Which I see as FABUlous. I don't want to teach my children that life is only about rules and a certain way the world says to live. My cousin Steve who is a pastor in Arizona said in comment to a post I made on Facebook about my family being irreverent said this " Irreverent means- Not bound by religious limitations"  I LOVE THAT.  All God wants is our love and belief and really that is all that is basically required to enter Heaven all the rules and extra junk we add on, thinking it makes us Holy or helps us get to Heaven, is NOT necessary. Sure we need to be nice and loving and kind, but I think when we truly have a relationship with God those things come out of us naturally, and if they don't maybe we need to change US. I have faults and things in my life that I struggle with everyday. I am in no way a perfect being. I know I can prove nothing to God, He knows it all. I cannot appease or inspire Him. I cannot impress Him. I can love Him and share that love, I can find honor and grace in His presence. And most of all I can find Joy in Him, knowing I am His beloved child and He cannot wait to hold me in His arms. I cannot buy that privilege or obtain it myself by what I do, other than surrender completely to Him.  I want to live in such a  way that I don't have to preach but people will know who God is by the way I live my life. My hope is that I can bring honor and Glory to Him and not myself. And most of all that others will know HIM through me and that is my greatest desire. When I was about 11 I had a cousin I was very close too. Troy and we did everything together. I remember one day being at a school park and he asked me about God. I don't remember the whole conversation but what I do remember is that he asked Jesus into his heart. The perfect words weren't said or a formula wasn't done, I just told him in my childlike way God loved Him and wanted to be with him in Heaven. I believe it was not a month later and Troy was hit by a car and killed. To everyone it was a very sad time, to me although I lost my cousin and friend, I know He is with Jesus and I will see him again. And I hope we get to roller skate in Heaven, cause that is our plan. God can use our simpleness and awkwardness and the fact that we don't always know the right words, to tell someone about the love of God, and it may mean Heaven or Hell to someone.
So today don't be afraid to share His love.
I did.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Get over it and get some JOY girl

Good Morning Friends,
I need a little joy today.
Feeling down for 2 days now and I wasn't sure why but I think I figured it out.
First of all, I am grieving leaving the farm, even though I want that move it is still change for me.
Also, my family is all here. Although they are I feel isolated they are at mom's and having fun and no one calls to see if we want to come, or join. I know, I know sounds like a childish attitude and your saying "Oh get over it" and I will it just is not something I chose to feel, it kinda rolled over me and it was there.
I feel stupid cause I feel that way, but Dave reminded me last night that I am still the little sister and will always be, and the way i'm treated is probably how it will always be.
It is hard also cause the reason I first think about is, either they don't want to be around my kids because of who they are, or they don't like how I deal with them. And i'm quite sure  neither is the case it is my mental craziness rearing it's ugly head. My hope is that I can just get over myself. 
I WILL FIND JOY TODAY. I'm going to sing and clean and work outside today and get over it.
I have so many things to do anyway it should take my mind off it, however my mind is a million places all the time and it is hard to center it on one thought. 
I just had to get a bowl of cereal for a demanding child who thinks they will die if it isn't here this second, and I have forgotten what my point today was. Hehehehe
Finding JOY. I will myself to be joyful. I will find joy in all I do today. 
I pray I can impact someone today for Christ.
I pray my headache goes away so I can accomplish something today.
I also need someone who likes to paint walls to come help me with my kitchen. I am finally getting my life to the point that I am getting excited about getting my house in order.
Have a blessed day.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

The solid rock I stand

Good morning friends,
Today I am exhausted, who would have thought so much procrastination would be so exhausting.
So today is a new day, a little less stress and a lot more joy.
Or I would if I were less tired.
I still have a few things to take care of out at the store but this too shall pass and 
Now to give my family the attention I want to give them. 
There are 7 Australians here already. 2 on the way. 2 from South Carolina, one from North Carolina on the way and at least one from Illinois on the way.
No one seems to know what is going on, or where people will sleep and my dad keeps inviting them to stay at their very tiny house. There is little to no communication at all. And I feel like everyone is on edge.
Welcome to my insane crazy family. 
I lived for a very long time thinking a certain way about my family, that although we had issues we were close and loved each other and nothing could change that. Well, I took off my rose colored glassed and OH MY does the world look differently then I had hoped in my heart. I figured if we all have God as the center of our lives what could go wrong? HAHA was I soooo wrong. I now have one brother who is 
so high he is making a fool of himself, and I can barely look him in the eye without wanting to slap him. One who thinks I now want his precious money, ummm no. and my other brother who is here to have fun and a great vacation. then I have nieces mad at me and each other, my parents who I have a hard time trusting, and the whole thing is quite overwhelming. But I know in my knower (thanks for that one Ron M) that God has a reason for this and He has already shown me so many things I didn't know and will continue to bring light to things and hopefully healing to this mess. So NO your family is not the most screwed up out there, and mine isnt either at least I pretend it isn't. But MY GOD is faithful and is constant and is the one and only thing we can truly depend and rely on ever. The world and those in it will forever disappoint you but He never will.
So today I find joy and peace in the turmoil and chaos and I go forward, not back. I reach for Him instead of lowering myself to the level of games people play. He is my Rock and on the Rock I WILL STAND!!

"On Christ, the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand."

Have a blessed day
Have Joy


Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Good Morning friends,
Are any of you procrastinators? I AM, I AM!!
I get so over whelmed by things I put stuff off and now I am struggling to back track and get things done
SO today I'm crazy! I have a store and it is full and due to the fact I can't be there to run it 75 hours a week, and having a child with declining health, I have to close and I have put it off for months the cleaning out, I did sort and organize it, but I always found an excuse to put it off, which didn't help it only added to the stress in my life. I work so much better under stress. I'm like a diamond I'm beautiful under pressure.
Ok so I am a crazy wild haired maniac under pressure and I am panicking and overwhelmed, but also so grateful it will be done. or mostly done cause it has hung like a thick black cloud full of rain it is about to bust, and the weight is unbearable and the darkness so deep and feels like night, til you feel chocked and the air is so dense you can hardly breath, and you pray for just the tiniest breeze for relief. That is close to how I feel today. Now I have help at least because my family is in town from Australia and can lend a hand and help.
So I am not alone, and will feel relief and  peace once again. But oh the mounds of things there are.
I just hate when things feel this way, and it is entirely my own fault for letting things go on this long.
We avoid things cause they are hard or not wanted to deal with, and then these tiny things become so large and out of control and over whelming then you REALLY don't want to deal with it and it starts a cycle. A tornado or whirlpool going around and around, so today I yell "STOP". get off the wild ride and get this mess taken care of. 
I will take back my life one item at a time. I will find peace in those out of control things. I will laugh a crazy laugh and fight my way through it today. 
I need to simplify my life and today that will begin!!!
I envision Braveheart with the face painted atop a steed and screaming "FREEDOM" 
That is me! but I'm more atop a scooter (pink of course) hair done in a 1950's coif and red lipstick and eyeliner. I will scream "FREEDOM". I will survive. and I will go on to fight another day.
My dream of a simple life will go on, and I WILL achieve peace with the stuff in my life one thing at a time.
So let us all scream FREEDOM today and take out the junk!!!


Monday, July 22, 2013

The Great PURGE

Good Morning friends,
Today I am talking about change and changes I am making in my life.
Change as I've told you before is very hard for me. But change I MUST,
I have always hated financial things, because I don't understand them, but that I changed, not because I wanted to, I went kicking and screaming the whole way, but because I did change that area, God blessed me, I honored my husband and got a ton of security knowing what is going on. And although I still don't understand anything really, I do know it made my family better and it honors God.
I am purging many things in my life, somehow over the past 6 years of living in the same  house has helped me accumulate many many many items over and above what is necessary to live. So I must purge and organize. Last night I saw just how important it was to my family. My son is a neat freak I am discovering. He likes his stuff all in place before bed. His room got destroyed and was in chaos, So as a family we sorted and cleaned and purged and cleaned his room, the longer we cleaned and the more clean it got the happier he became. AND he actually slept in there most of the night last night by himself, a miracle in itself.
So the adage that "He with the most toys wins" NOT true. The more stuff you have the larger the weight we carry, and with all the normal or abnormal things things we already have in our lives we must carry, why add more to it? 
My biggest issue is I love Junk, and I have so many ideas all the time and although I do use a lot of my things, I also have many good intentions, and unfinished projects, or I had to buy something even though I had it already and just couldn't find it. So now I have 2 or more and less money and more clutter.
Starting is my biggest battle. I work great under pressure. That often leaves little time for purging. Hence my problem. Somewhere in the last few years, I have lost the love of decorating my house. and now I have 5 rooms desperately in need of redoing, my kitchen I have had the paint for over a year. and Ian's room is princesses and not Superman, Chrissy's room is swirls and not underwater, and the bathroom is rockets and not hula dancers, then my room I have had paint for, for about 4 years and I got new furniture and still haven't gotten to make it a retreat for us yet like we need.
And I don't even want to start on my garage or weeds in my yard and my flower beds and bushes that need love. It is quite overwhelming just the thought of it all.
BUT, today I shall do a small part. clean a small area and purge what is needed to live better.
One small step at a time. and hopefully it will get easier and easier to build stamina.
We are also changing a lot about our lives besides money and the home. How we discipline and let our kids react to each other and how they treat others, this part is painful, not for me but for them, but I also think they crave this tightening of the reins. 
So today even if you are organized, think of where you can purge and make your life easier, so our concentration can be on Godly things and not undone things.
Be blessed today.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Anam cara my soul friends...

Good morning friends,
Sorry for not posting yesterday, the only time I had to write I feel asleep.

Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed and drowning in stuff?
the past few days I sure have!!! Yesterday My Megan, made me go sort the stuff in my store, which helped me so much, she is amazing. She is holding me accountable to what I have to do, and loving me and forcing me to do what I don't want to do. IT WAS GREAT. Oh I love her so. I know I have talked about friends latly several times, but until recently have I begun to understand the verse.
Proverbs 25:13

Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat—refreshing! 
MY brother once told me when he met his friend Peter, he learned what true friendship was. I thought that is great for him, I have had friends like that my whole life. Wrong, when I found the group of friends I have now, I realized that NOW I have that kind of friend who loves closer than a brother. Don't get me wrong I have loads of dear friends, special people who love me and are there for me.
I recently heard a sermon about a verse I had not ever heard. It said Something to the order of ...a friend who builds you up with sweet compliments and gushes over you, is your enemy. BUT a friend who bears their friends wounds is a true friend. HUH perplexed!! I was not sure how a wounded friend could be a good friend,but It means people who pump you up and gush over you are so easily turned into the ones who talk badly about you. But true friends carry your wounds they know your hurts and carry the scars from the attacks by others who have hurt you, they cry and are angry and will fight for you because as a true friend they know your pain and feel it with you.  These friends love you despite your faults and hold you up when your down cast and burdened. They run when you call anytime day or night. They will ask the hard questions and tell you the truth no matter how much it hurts or makes you uncomfortable. Those are the friends that are few in life. Your anam cara or soul friends. those who your soul not just your heart loves.  Those who love no matter the circumstances or issues. And now I forget my point because my children are being rude and an attitude adjustment is in order. So today love your friends, ask God to show you how to be a soul friend. Love with all you are no matter what.
                                                  Be the best friend you can.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tilt-A -Whirl of life

Good Morning friends,

I gotta tell you a story. Last week we took the kids to the fair, they had a great time. Well my cousin Angie thought it would be fun if her and I went on the tilt-a-whirl, so I had to ask the guy which one goes fastest, (if your going to ride it, you may as well have fun) He said 6 so we immediately went the wrong direction and ended up at 6 right in front of where we came in. if that was any indication of the state of mind we were in.
We board and get situated and he starts the ride. At first a little whirl and twirl then it began...none stop twirling, around and around and around and around. It was so funny we were screaming like banshees and then we got tickled, by our own screaming and started to laugh...not just laugh hehehehe but full blown howling, loud and from deep inside your soul. We drew a crowd! People from all over came to see what was going on. The entire place heard us. And it hurt!!! We laughed so hard our stomachs and chests hurt. I don't ever remember a time when I laughed that hard. It makes me giggle just thinking about it. 
You see Angie and I and loads of our friends were there for a special needs day, the carnival company let any families come and ride for free they also gave food away, and mini donuts!! But it was an amazing time to meet other people who have special needs kids. When ever you attend something like this it is amazing and yet sad, peoples generosity is inspiring, and it also is a harsh reminder that life is fragile. 
It is not easy raising a special needs kid, it is hard and frustrating and a fight everyday for anything you need, but it is also humbling and gratifying and awe-inspiring oh and frustrating did I say that already? 
Most of the time we mothers stuff a lot of things and feelings we have, so we can show our kids life is good, and wonderful, when inside you are just screaming "This is NOT fair"!! or "STOP, let me off"!! 
Life isn't fair for these kids, I cannot imagine looking like I am 7, acting like I am 4 and actually being 15. It is beyond my comprehension. The "normal" person would be so depressed because our self esteem would be ruined, but not these kids, they are happy and joyful and so positive about life. Like instead of seeing the storm were having, they search for the rainbow they just know will be there. Unwavering Joy. Most of them are so close to death it is terrifying, the wrong fall, or a seizure, or being to vulnerable. We would curl up in a ball and wait for that day to arrive. NOT them, they play and laugh and have such a contagious laugh. Never afraid of life. Unlike us who trudge through day to day surviving, but not living. 
We can learn so much from these people and children.
They love unconditionally, laugh at everything, enjoy each day with life and excitement.
So my prayer is to learn to live like them, to laugh at myself like I am the funniest thing in the world, to enjoy life, even if my budget gets blown or the car breaks down, to have excitement, in all the little things we do, and to love people as though they are the best friends a person can have or those friends we haven't seen in a while and you just want to hug them and not let go. To see the world through rose colored glasses. To be so excited because today is a new day, and adventure awaits around every corner. 
To be free of worldly worries and fears, only thinking about the moment we live in now and how we can have the most fun now and not wait for later.
Get on the giant Tilt-A-Whirl of life and laugh til it hurts.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Full Of Grace

Good Day friends,
Shew what a day, hit the floor running this morning and just stopped.
Somedays it seems life has a mind of it's own doesn't it?
Well, mine sure does.
But it has been a blessed day also. I go to a book club with several women from church, and it is amazing. I am the youngest is as usual, but I love that too, to get to sit at the feet of these women and learn from them. It has been a great thing. And I am learning to love these women.
All of them are from the South too. Something I can relate with, which is wonderful too.
We are reading the book The Thank You Room about a woman we all know, who went through a round of cancer while she was pregnant. It is about grace and hope and coping. These are things we all go through on a daily basis. 
My name means: full of Grace. I thought for most of my life there was no way at all I was full of grace, because I am the clumsiest person ever. If there is something to trip over I WILL. But in the past few years as I have matured I have deliberately striven to be full of grace. 
One definition of grace is: a manifestation of favor
Isn't that something we all want? Favor. But from who? Others? Sure we can say we don't care about what others think, but yeah we do on some level. 
But the only favor I think that is necessary would be God's. At least that is the favor I want. I want that grace. If God gives you that and you accept it, I think it overflows onto others. I have seen abundant Grace in my life, so many times, and I want and make a feeble human go at walking in that grace. We can be Gods hands by showing that grace. 
Another definition of grace is: mercy; clemency; pardon.
Someone cuts you off in traffic, you get charged for a missed appointment,  someone at church says something,  you don't have good service at a store...I could go on and on but I think you get the idea. These are times for me at least that grace is necessary but often 
our first reaction is less then graceful. Mine are. I have to make a conscious effort to show that grace. And yes usually after my first reaction was not graceful. So now daily I pray and work hard on being Full Of Grace. I wish it came easy. With practice it will get easier.
So today walk in grace.
How can you show grace where you live?
Do you need mercy or favor?


Monday, July 15, 2013

"Can I live without my dream, to do the will of God?"

Good Morning friends,
Yesterday was the 24th anniversary of mine and Dave's engagement.
I never dreamed we would be together this long. It has been the best 5 years of my life (hehehe)
Truly I would love to say, we have been happily married for all those years, but truthfully it has been hard. Not wedded bliss, but years of figuring it all out. We are finally at the point in our marriage that we like each other, and are enjoying the company of the other, without driving the other crazy. 
Life is so funny this journey we take.
I had planned to go to college for fashion and clothing design in Texas, and I met Dave. It is weird now when I look back how easily those decisions were made, to change the course that was set.
To just slip down another path as though it were nothing. I just remember in my heart how I longed to be a wife and mother. That truly being my real dream in life. So that may have been the reason it was so easy to change course. 
I have often wondered "What if?"and I have often thought "What am I doing here ?" but God has a way to make me remember why I love this man so much and why I chose him.
Just this past January I started writing a journal, and the first few pages includes a contract of sorts, saying I will honor him forever and give him my heart. You see when we got married I wanted the submission part taken out. "I'll be darned if I am gonna OBEY any man" oh my have the last 24 years shown me the error of my ways. Oh and could our marriage been so much sweeter had I really promised to do that right away. In my mind I thought Obey was like a weak or abusive type thing, not a loving and Godly thing. Submission does not come easy to me. Once I learned that serving and listening to and taking hold of what my husband wants, life became so much easier. He is so much smarter then me, definitely more grounded then me. And being submissive isn't a negative thing at all, it brings joy and confidence and security, all the things we as women want.   
I'm not saying I just figured this all out, but it has been a process, I am thick headed Irish Hillbilly to the core and things have to seep in slowly for me to absorb them.
The latest part of my journey in submission is the finance class were taking at church. I told him to take it and let me know what to do. I had no time or desire to deal with that, it felt like I was heaping on one more thing to my already over the top life and I thought it would be the thing to break me. Boy was I wrong AGAIN. The teacher Ben said I had to come to the class, and I refused and finally I went but not because I was happy to be there, but because I knew it would make Dave happy. So I went. Kicking and screaming, guess what? I LOVE IT. I have never felt so in control. I'm a planner and it makes sense and it isn't a foreign language to me. It just goes to show you how God will bless your submission. I'm actually excited about becoming debt free and changing how we do things. AND teaching my son how to do it right so he doesn't end up like us struggling for years.
Watching my parents now struggle because my dad didn't know how to manage money is so hard and I don't want my children or grandchildren to have to go through the same thing.
I want to be able to help people, and give but when there is nothing to give, your robbing Peter to pay Paul. So yes life is funny this journey, one day you are going North then in a split second your going South, and being flexible with God and able to be moved is what He needs from a servant. Not a stoic and stubborn person. 
So today ask yourself "Am I mold-able and move-able?" 
"Can I live without my dream, to do the will of God?"

Be blessed today


Friday, July 12, 2013

Are you a broken vessel?

Good Morning friends,
I want to share something that has happened recently that I may have touched briefly on before but now I can actually write about it without crying or feeling pain.

The past few months have been the most painful of my life. I have never hurt more or cried more, or prayed more or asked why? more.
You see I have a brother on drugs. He has been an addict most of his life. 
I love him just as much as the other two, but I learned a LONG time ago, I am not my brothers keeper.
I love him and will help him when he needs me. BUT I will not play games, or listen to his sob story or stoop to his level of thinking.And I no longer am responsible for his happiness. He made his bed a long time ago and now he lies in it alone.
Well that being said, about a month ago or so, somehow he got my parents to believe his lies, about me and truthfully I still don't understand what all happened or what parts are true, or lies. All I do know is what I felt and what I could see for myself.
So my parents called me and said "Come over so we can discuss, YOUR issues" OK, well I didn't think I had any but whatever, my family is odd so or maybe I didn't hear that right. Anyway, when I went there a few days later I was screamed at and accused of many hurtful things, and verbally assaulted, It was like an intervention of my wrongs. Well I know I have faults and downfalls and frankly my bothers opinion of me is not something I base any part of my life on. BUT my parents sat in silence while this was happening and when they spoke it was what sounded negative response towards me. 
I was accused mostly of being abusive to my kids and to my mother when she lived with me for almost 3 years.
Ok a verbal attack I can handle, but when you attack the 2 things I hold most dear being a mother and a wife and being a good daughter. I take offence. 
In retrospect I had been praying for God to make me a broken person.
What I mean by that is, I want to be someone who doesn't feel like they have to please God by works or what they do on earth, but their heart is so broken by the world you have nothing to give God but all you have. You see doing good works don't cut it. Going to church every week don't cut it. Reading the Bible and praying don't cut it. So now your saying well doesn't God want us to do those things? YES He does and please continue to do them. My point is if you are a broken being, you have to totally stand in HIM and not yourself. You have NOTHING to give Him. Because truly we can be the kindest person and generous and loving, but that isn't what He wants of us. He wants us, His child, who when we fall and get hurt, He can put us on His lap and say "It is going to be ok". Have you seen a child who wants your attention and will do anything to get it, grab tons of toys and try to get on your lap, or push other kids out of the way to get there, or grab you when your on the phone and cooking and want you? That is just annoying. But when your child is hurt and needs your love and attention and needs you to kiss all their hurts away, you stop and sit and grab them close and comfort them. THAT is precious and broken. We come hurting and have nothing to prove.
We already have His attention, but he wants those moments when your sobbing and are alone and scared, to be your daddy. 
It is so hard to get on His lap with, your family and your kids and your jobs at church and your favorite charity, and your "Look at me"s, HE wants YOU, ONLY YOU. and sometimes broken is the only way you will stop putting your family before him  or anything, and Yes I said your ministry or your church work. He loves that you do those things to further the Kingdom, BUT all he truly wants and craves is you.
Once a brokenness occurs it HURTS. That is why it is broken. When we have nothing left to give, we have hit the bottom on life. and all we want is acceptance and love. That is when He reaches and you gladly come to him craving that attention, and after He holds you and soothes your wounds and kisses them better, we feel like and are made a better person from having that part of us be broken. Because We weren't trying to please Him. We were just being with Him, alone, naked and exposed. THAT is where He wants us, SO when He does need us to help at church and it is to clean the bathroom, but we should be doing something so much more important and having a look at me attitude or to tell the homeless man hello or your friend that "It will be ok" or your kids 'NO' or someone else He loves you. 
You are saying it out of that brokenness, in love and meekness and not because the Bible says to do it, or the pastor says to do it, or this book or that sermon says to do it. But because in our brokenness we have found compassion and the "Fathers" heart. We no longer try to crawl on his lap with everything and put those things first, like our family our job our ministry, but put HIM first. AND NOTHING ELSE.
He can  use brokenness, He cannot use pride and loyalty, and puffed upness. (Yes that is a word) 

So don't pray for brokenness unless you are prepared for pain. When I put my family before God, He wanted my full attention and they were taking so much life out of me I had little to give Him. Now I give Him all I have and HE gives me all I need to deal with my family and life. Brokenness changes you into a mold-able and flexible vessel for HIS glory NOT yours.

Be blessed today.
Remember if you pray of rain, you get mud.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Maybe tomorrow

Good Morning friends,

Last night I laughed until I cried, I was watching Ken Davis, a christian comedian.
It was so funny and so real.
I think the most important thing I got out of it was... You need to do more than survive, you need to LIVE!!
God created us not to drudge through life, thinking about "maybe tomorrow" I will do this or that...Maybe tomorrow I will go back to school, tomorrow I will quit my job and do what I love, tomorrow I will heal that wound by giving forgiveness, tomorrow I will have children, tomorrow I will exercise....
guess what there may not be a tomorrow!!!
Last night my 6 year old asked us what would happen to him and his siste,r if we died. 
After reassuring him about what would happen, and that we hope it will not be for a long time, and explaining in the best way possible how when he gets to heaven he will be able to play Jesus ( A large concern) in my own feeble attempt to make that deep of a subject into a child friendly version with out forgetting anything
important, was not a very easy task but it satisfied him I think. or frustrated him so he gave up. 6 year olds should not think deeper then their parents. I think the most important thing it showed me was life is precious, and we need to start living TODAY! because you blink and it is a year later, or 5 years or your baby is grown and gone and all you want to do is hold her on your lap and tell her it will be OK.
"Don't put off til tomorrow, what you could do today"

You Don’t Know Tomorrow ] Don’t brashly announce what you’re going to do tomorrow; you don’t know the first thing about tomorrow.

This verse sums it up for me. We don't have any idea what tomorrow will bring, so how can we truly put things off anymore? If we keep putting things off til tomorrow our "TO DO " list will be to long for tomorrow.
And then we have so many things were overwhelmed and give up or we work ourselves to death trying to catch up or we have so much to do we forget to take time to live!

Do whatever TODAY brings today!!
Let tomorrow stay tomorrow and 

Be blessed today hug your kids an extra time, forgive wrongs, love passionately, Live.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Are you expectations for yourself too high?

Good Morning friends,

What a Great sunny day.
I am so excited for so many reasons today.
First less then 10 days and my brother will be here with his family from Australia.
And I get to create something wonderful.
We are having VBS at Church and I got the job of decorating the entire church!!!!
I am so excited. I love nothing more then to paint and cut out and create and decorate and paint and build and paint!!! As you can see i'm so excited.
My only Issue now is time.
When I have to work around others schedules because I need a key or something it is so hard. 
It is so hard to dictate when I am most creative, which is usually in the later evening.
And also my time seems so precious this month.
I have about a month to get the church ready, and 2 baby showers i'm working on,
 and a wedding reception to decorate.
You see I love this stuff, did I say that?
So yes I tend to get over booked and tired, but I thrive on activity.
I need a dead line and a little pressure, and I am good to go.
But, that causes issues with my health and family so I have to learn to cut back on what I want to do,
and be more practical in what I do do.
And that is so hard for me, something I have found as I age is that I don't like change and once I get something in my head it is so hard to change it.I work so hard at not letting something get stuck there, so I can't be flexible.  And then it occurs to me that I can be like that in life too. I get an idea, good or bad, and can't seem to change the way I think. Like that I need to look a certain way or work or home-school my kids or have my yard or on and on and on. I'm not talking about keeping up with the Jones' but about the expectations I put on myself. What I have in my mind of what my life should be, and I get so tired trying to obtain that goal that I can't seem to do anything. So these are basically lies I tell myself I have to overcome and change.
So today I am working on not doing the biggest, greatest most awe inspiring thing (at least in my mind), and doing something that is great and perfect and less stressful and wonderful just the same.
So off I go, to create and enjoy a day of painting and design.
Be blessed today and think about what areas in your life are you not accepting change, or stepping out of your comfort zone, or setting too high of expectations for yourself, and pray about the change.
Be blessed today.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fake it til your glad of heart

Good Morning friends,
Joy. Joy. Joy.
I need a little today.
I have a joy in Christ in my heart but, the past few days it isn't on my face.
I really need to laugh and giggle til my tummy hurts.
I am overwhelmed with all I have to do in my life, and 
don't feel like doing anything.
I have so much to be thankful for, yet I just fight this stupid depression.
Not often does it rear it's ugly head but when it does it seems harder to shake.
So today I am going to dig deep and find some joy,
or maybe a tear or three, and get over myself.
One thing I have noticed lately though is I am singing again.
I used to always sing and be joyful, then I didn't for a very long time,
 being so overwhelmed with life.
It seems that part of me I thought I had Lost, IS BACK!!
So for that I am grateful.
There is a cartoon I love, but the theme song is so great.
Well, it's a sunny day
I feel brand new
There's about a million things
That I could do!
Would you like to
Do them, too?
Well, it's a big wide world
And it's waiting for me and you!

Let's look around
What will we see?
Round every corner, a discovery!
There's no place I'd rather be!
Oh, yeah
Well, it's a big wide world
And it's waiting for me and you!

I have a busy day today and so many things to get done.
So I am going to sing and be glad.
Or at least fake it til I am glad of heart.

We’re depending on God; he’s everything we need.
 What’s more, our hearts brim with joy since we’ve 
taken for our own his holy name. Love us, God,
 with all you’ve got— that’s what we’re depending on.

HE is everything we need, for this moment, this day, this life.
Bless His name
And be blessed today


Monday, July 8, 2013

Be the person you have always wanted to be

Good morning friends,
Welcome back after a lovely long weekend.
My thoughts of late are about age.
Not that I'm worried about aging, well because i'm not 
because the truth is...that we all age. 
It is so funny how people forget that.
It is getting harder for me to judge the age of people I don't know.
When I see people who I think are about my age and
I am now realizing are much younger than me.
It is interesting how I notice people who are young at heart.
As I get older I care less about my wrinkles, stretch marks, and body shape.
And more about how my heart is.
I want always to be young at heart, to have fun, and be silly.
To jump in puddles, dance in the rain,  to play and laugh and love.
My husband pointed out when we were at our sons kindergarten Christmas concert,
that we are the same age as the grandparents who are there. WELL,
that got me feeling old. But I have decided yes I am older then I feel. 
and yes I am old enough now to have grand kids my own children's ages. 
I also have more patience and experience under my belt.
I grew up with older parents, and I think they were better parents.
At this time I am realizing I don't really care what people think of me.
I have always wanted to dress retro like the 1950's, but felt I was past that,
 and over weight and couldn't pull it off. Well now I DON"T CARE. 
My husband says it is my midlife crisis. But I don't see it that way,
I see an opportunity to be the person on the outside, I am on the inside.
So today think about who you have always wanted to be. 
Think about making a baby step toward that goal.
Today I want to jump in puddles and create something.
To become who God wants me to be.
To dress and style my hair how I want to.
And Go in confidence with my wrinkles and flaws.
Because God made me who I am for such a time as this.
Be blessed today.
Bless someone today.


Friday, July 5, 2013

What is keeping you from enjoying peace

Good post Independence Day everyone,
Our vacation this 4th got rearranged, Dave got severely dehydrated and so
 we decided being close to home was important.
But oh the fun we had anyway. 
We only had Ian, which is rare, and delightful.
And we had a cookout with dear friends.
Then I got to deliver pie to the middle of the bridge and bless my cousin.
Then the fireworks were beautiful, even if it one of the things i'm cynical about.
I hate that it costs so much for them, and see the needs of so many in our community.
But I tried to enjoy them anyway and watching them through the eyes of a child, 
will wipe away any cynicism. It was a joy.
Then we had a fire and watched it magically turn colors, from some cool color stick thing.
But the idea of Independence day is something that I hold dear, family, friends, freedom and food.
What more could any person want?
Having fun and being silly is i'm finding so important.
It doesn't matter how we dress, or what we drive or where we live, or how much we weigh, but
more about who we are, who we hug, how we love those around us,
and how we touch others for the Kingdom of Heaven.
I am understanding that pleasing God is so much more rewarding then pleasing man.
That our Joy and peace are the only things we need to carry us through this life.
Now to teach my children, that material things aren't what will make us happy.
That family is enough. It is so hard in such a materialistic world when at every turn it is right in their faces.
But I think it is the greatest thing we can teach them, to give, to sacrifice for someone else,
and not be self pleasing all the time. To rejoice and not whine.
So today as I teach my son he does NOT need yet another Transformer toy.
And spend the day with my honey and boy, forcing myself to regain my home from clutter.
I will ponder these truths and change in me those things which keep me from obtaining that peace and joy.

Be blessed today.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

America the diverse

Good morning friends,
Thank God yesterday is over. Needless to say it was trying but my dear friend Megan, 
in her words "Let me put my cape on and i'll be right over"!!!
Thank God for people and professionals in our life as part of our team.
So thank you all for praying and for grace yesterday.
SO today, crazy as usual, but fun none the less, as we prepare to go up north.
Celebrating Independence day is one of my favorite days to celebrate.
I am very patriotic, and I love a party, and I love anything American or red, white and blue.
So today I'm thankful my journey takes place in a land where I am free.
I often think we as Americans forget how fortunate we are to live here.
We can worship, and assemble and speak without fear.
I'm glad we live where there can be "Pride" parades and demonstrations. 
Not that I agree with their ideals, but because I don't have to. 
That is the greatest thing about our country.
We are free to choose to live the lives we want.
And I could use so many examples of differences we have here, 
and each is as different as each person who lives here.
We don't have to believe like the next person, nor are we forced to believe in a certain religious belief.
So over this weekend remember to thank those who fight or have fought for our country, 
to make it the great place it is.
And regardless of beliefs or political or personal opinions, find
someone to share your life with, unconditionally and with
 the love and acceptance only Christ can bring.

Have a great rest of your day
