Monday, August 19, 2013

Organizing life to walk in gentleness

Good morning friends,
Today I finally stopped. the pat month I have hosted or helped host, a wedding reception, 2 baby showers, also, decorated an entire church for VBS,  Had family visiting and my mom in the hospital, all during the same time period. Needless to say I am whipped. I forced my self through it out of love for the people I was blessing. I started to get sick but worked past that. But one thing I got was exhausted,
But a happy exhausted. I love parties!! I love planning and decorating and hosting. Many people ask where I get my ideas? well some I borrow and change and many times it is all in my head. My mind is going all the time. I love creating for the joy of others. 
My biggest issue is the after effects of parties and that is the clean up.
Sometimes people think they are helping by packing things up but in reality it makes it harder. If I have the energy and time I want it done in a way to put right away.
I need to get organized so each box and item has a place and box so it can be grabbed and returned to that spot.
So here lies my hardest issue. Organizing. It is so overwhelming to me. I know what I want but get overwhelmed by the mass of stuff. It takes a lot of stuff to decorate for a party. and not everything fits into a neat little box. and isn't that like life? Wouldn't it be great if it fit neatly into a box and could be labeled.  Not mine, It is like shutting a very full suitcase and no matter how hard you try something keeps seeping out the sides. 
But God made us each unique and special, and we cannot fit into the mold the world wants us to be. He made me with a Huge personality, loud,not easily shaken, not quiet and meek and soft. and as much as I would like to be that person, "I yam, what I's yam" (Popeye) .
Yesterday in church I was thinking about this very thing. And God is teaching me gentleness,not just sometimes but to have a gentle spirit. I easily can correct or yell or make a snarky comment but I rarely react with gentleness. Especially towards my kids. gentleness and grace, well that is my path for the day. Where does God want you today?  


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