Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Passion - it only takes a spark to get a fire going

Good morning friends,
The past few days I have been thinking of passion. 

Wiki defines it as
Passion (from the Latin verb patere meaning to suffer) is a term applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion, compelling enthusiasm or desire for anything. 

This morning my friend Randy Christensen posted this quote he was pondering and it really suddenly made sense. 
 "In our moments of enjoyment we feel as if we could do anything. And in our times of temptation and discouragement, we think we can do nothing. And both ideas are wrong." - From Fenelon

It suddenly became clear, my thoughts that is. Passion is what we feel in good and bad times, ups and down. A knowing in our knower (Ron Meyer) that God is true no matter the circumstances. He knows the good, the bad  and the ugly. I feel like I lost that passion or my sparkle a long time ago. Well I didn't lose it, it was stolen from me and now I am on a quest to find it again. I took it for granted cause times were always up and happy, but these times of deep darkness the past few years have made it hard to find that spark again. 
The other day we were walking down the street and I burst into song, (not uncommon) but singing the old song, "It only takes a spark to get a fire going and soon all those around, will warm up in it's glowing"
I don't have to get all the fiery passion back into my life at once, but every fire starts with a spark. one tiny little insignificant ember and it can cause acres to burn. That is how I want to be, That raging fire, someone that sparkles and shines no matter the ups or the downs. I understand this quote cause as women when we have a great hair day and our clothes fit perfect and we know we look amazing, we do have more confidence, but days where our ponytail is messy and there are peanut butter on our shirts and we are two days over on needing a shower, we barely feel like we can function much less change the world. Something I have learned though is God can use us no matter the state were in. Through His grace and mercy we are new every morning. We need to learn to ride the waves in life, don't let them pound us until we are to weak to swim, but relax and let them take us. Rise and fall and rest assured God has got you. He is our life preserver and rescuer. Being ready when He says "GO" and not worrying about what or who our circumstances are. Taking the Passion for Him and walking it out. 
I am so fortunate I finally figured out the job of my dreams. I love entertaining people and it allows me to literally touch so many lives. I have to get in peoples bubble and they are nervous at first but once in my care I can speak life to them. maybe not a sermon but a loving touch, a smile or joke, a tender stroke is all they may need. This weekend I had a little girl who had just been adopted, and she was wiggly for everyone, but once she was in my chair and I softly touched her and she relaxed she was like a rag doll, completely relaxed to the point I had to hold her head up, she nearly fell asleep. Isn't that how we should be with God? pliable, so relaxed in Him that the craziness around just melts away and He reigns supreme. 
Passion is that spark, what makes us who He wants us to be, no matter the circumstances. The ability to be used and guided by His hand in such a way, only He is in control. Riding the waves knowing He will protect and save us no matter what. Being used no matter how we feel or look. He is able and WILL because He promised us these things.
It only takes a spark, now if I can rub these sticks together fast enough 
I CAN and WILL get a fire going. (Never mind God has matches)
Be blessed today

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